The school closed in 2011. The Crown authorities advised in the same letter that he take up the offer of a new identity. [17] At the time Prince Charles and Princess Diana were due to attend a benefit concert featuring Duran Duran and Dire Straits among other performers. [6] He befriended a homeless man who sheltered in the disused Old Broadway cinema on the Falls Road, and provided the man with food and money. His sister Catherine was one of many children who joined the youth movement of the IRA. Kearney is a son of the civil rights and MacBride Principles campaigner, Oliver Kearney. Large groups of people were a common sight outside the prison on the day a prisoner was due to meet their death. Northern Ireland. He was released from detention in 1974 and was by this time a member of the Provisional IRA. He then proceeded to hold the infant down over the burning grate. The Democratic Unionist Party leader Ian Paisley blamed republicans for the killing, saying that “eyes will be turned towards IRA/Sinn Féin on this issue”. The truth may never be known. In Tralee’s Roman Catholic cemetery, O’Callaghan expressed his intention to subvert the IRA from within. the man who stabbed her picks … [citation needed], May’s department the Home Office oversees MI5 and she herself had signed the application in a court case brought by McGartland and his partner, both of whom are obliged to live under secret identities that were provided by MI5. The security on the American end of the shipment was handled by Kevin Weeks and Whitey Bulger, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informant. Martin Galvin, a Bronx-based Irish-American attorney and future “dissident republican“, later claimed that he had warned the republican movement’s leadership that he suspected Donaldson of being a British government informer.[3]. Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland, ROI Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, Is time running out for Freddie Scappaticci, Statistical breakdown of deaths in the Troubles of Northern Ireland 1969 – 2001, Irish National Liberation Army ( I.N.L.A ), Irish Republican Army. Colleen McMurray, a constable (aged 34) died and another constable was seriously injured. He further outlined that when they arrived back at Dudley Edwards’ home, he was then knocked to the floor, tied with an electrical flex to a chair and then held at knifepoint while Samhan and another man proceeded to burgle the property. With his cover blown, McGartland was kidnapped in August 1991 by Jim “Boot” McCarthy and Paul “Chico” Hamilton, two IRA men with previous convictions for paramilitary activities. In 2007, Gilmour publicly voiced his desire to return home to Derry, asking Martin McGuinness for assurances of his safety. Dozens more would have the penalty imposed on them only to receive last-minute commutations. As a result, the cargo was intercepted by a combined force of the Irish Navy and the Garda Síochána. Under the “supergrass” scheme, his was the only evidence available against them. His lawyers have asked the British Ministry of Defence to provide him and his family with new identities, relocation and immediate implementation of the complete financial package, including his army pension and other discharge benefits, which he had been reportedly promised by the MoD for his covert tour of duty. The former FRU agent turned whistleblower using the pseudonym “Martin Ingram” has said in his 2004 book Stakeknife that Scappaticci eventually developed into an agent handled by British Army Intelligence via the FRU. The interview was posted on the World Wide Web as the 2003 allegations against Scappaticci surfaced. Eamon Molloy The disappearance of Molloy in July 1975 was so successful that … This enabled him to better identify suspects who had been targeted by RUC Special Branch. As of September 2008, no one was ever charged with the shooting. However, these claims have been disputed by Sinn Féin. There may come a time when their patience runs out. The Irish Republican Army wants to recruit him, but he is reluctant because of what he sees as their cruel street justice. [45], There are letters extant which demonstrate that Crown authorities through their solicitors Burton & Burton wrote to the BBC and confirmed that McGartland had worked for them under the code name Agent Carol. Martin “Marty” McGartland (born 30 January 1970 in Belfast, Northern Ireland) is a former British agent who infiltrated the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) in 1989 to pass information to RUC Special Branch. When he was 16, he was again in trouble with the authorities, this time for armed robbery. The actual planning of the shipment was carried out by Patrick Nee, a South Boston gangster and staunch IRA supporter. Sean O’Callaghan (born 26 January 1954) is a former member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). [10] On 12 April 2009, the Real IRA claimed responsibility for his death.[11]. O’Callaghan stated that he had risen to leader of Southern Command and a substitute delegate on the IRA Army Council both in print and before a Dublin jury under oath. It was announced just hours before the execution that Aylward’s death sentence was to be commuted to one of penal servitude for life. In that same year 1991, McGartland provided information about a mass shooting attack planned on Charlie Heggarty’s pub in Bangor, County Down, where British soldiers frequently drank after what was generally a football match between the prison wardens. ROI Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Michael McDowell initially said that Donaldson had been shot in the head. [7] Ingram paints Scappaticci at this time as “the crown jewels”, (the best) agent handled by the FRU. MI5 – Raymond Gilmour full interview and news story, He was born in 1959 into a working class Catholic, nationalist family in Creggan, Derry to Patrick and Brigid Gilmour. The minister was not obligated to give a reason for this sudden commutation but a reasonable doubt was surely present. © Copyright 2021 Irish Studio LLC All rights reserved. It is my belief that in spite of IRA/Sinn Féin’s strategic cunning, and no matter how many people they kill, the people of the Irish Republic expect, because they have been told so by John Hume, that there will be peace. They in no way reflect my own opinions and I take no responsibility for any inaccuracies or factual errors, The Informer – BBC Panorama Martin McGartland, Born into a staunchly Irish republican, Roman Catholic family in Belfast, Northern Ireland, McGartland grew up in a council house in Moyard, Ballymurphy at the foot of the Black Mountain. It was relatively easy for me to foil these attempts; an occasional Garda car or roadblock at the ‘wrong time’; the routine arrest of Ferris or myself; or simple ‘bad planning’, such as a car arriving late — a whole series of random stratagems.”[15], Then, during the 1981 hunger strike in the Maze Prison, O’Callaghan attempted to start his own hunger strike in support of the Maze prisoners but was told to desist by the IRA for fear it would detract focus from the prisoners. The children quickly removed their infant brother from the fire and put him in a bucket of water to quench the flames. [11], In November, Gilmour’s father was abducted by the IRA. 1984: Elmo Patrick Sonnier, Dead Man Walking. His friendship with the French writer and journalist Sorj Chalandon inspired two novels: My Traitor, published in 2008, and Return to Killybegs, published in 2011, Donaldson had a long history of involvement in Irish republicanism. Frank Brennan, 70, east Belfast, Northern Ireland “There were so many people killed just walking around this area. Flanagan was also rumoured, falsely, to have used excessive force while interrogating IRA suspects. Fifty yards away lived the Holden family, which included Patrick, Mary and their eight children. [4] “Fulton” claims he tipped off his MI5 handler that an attack was likely. Tarred and Feathered: Street Justice Belfast Style. The role of the FRU was to centralise Army Intelligence under the Intelligence Corps. The last-minute decision to reinstate the ultimate deterrent would cost twenty-nine ordinary Irish citizens their lives after they were convicted of murder, until the death penalty was abolished in 1964 for everything but the murder of public figures. These allegations, however, were strongly denied by both men. In his 2006 memoir A Criminal and an Irishman, Nee compares O’Callaghan to Judas Iscariot. He then in… At the 1983 general election, Donaldson was the Sinn Féin candidate in Belfast East. Fifty Dead Men Walking. After an interlude of several months, Gilmour was instructed by his RUC handler to join the IRA. [2] After demanding, and receiving, treatment as a political prisoner, O’Callaghan quietly served his sentence. Patrick Holden also took the stand and was described as an intelligent witness, despite never attending school and being unable to write his name. He took up work as a bricklayer. With Ben Kingsley, Jim Sturgess, Kevin Zegers, Natalie Press. (I.R.A) – History & Background, 25th January – Deaths & Events in Northern Ireland Troubles, “Stakeknife” – Is time running out for Freddie Scappaticci ? [13], A few weeks later, O’Callaghan made contact with Kerry IRA leader Martin Ferris and attended his first IRA meeting since 1975. In his memoirs, O’Callaghan wrote that, although some individual UDR soldiers had had links to loyalist paramilitary gangs, he subsequently learned that Private Martin was not one of them. Image below of Book cover and outline of my storyYou can pre-order via this link on Amazon my blog for more info: Because he is unable to claim State benefits due to security reasons MI5 had previously helped him financially; however this assistance was withdrawn after he gave an interview to the Belfast Telegraph. During the trial O’Callaghan stated that he had been looking after the property for a friend, the author Ruth Dudley Edwards, and he invited the two men back to the house for a drink after socialising with them in a nearby gay pub, West Five. Believing that he would be helping to combat British imperialism, O’Callaghan volunteered for the newly founded Provisional IRA at the age of 16. Biography — Dr. Fred Luskin, Ph.D. Dr. Fred Luskin, Ph.D., trained at Stanford University in counseling and health psychology. [24] McGartland escaped being killed by jumping from a third floor window in the Twinbrook flat where he had been taken for interrogation following his abduction. He complained about the alleged trespassing on his land by animals belonging to the Holden family, even setting his dog on a goat belonging to Mrs. Holden. [17] He discovered how IRA sympathisers had infiltrated various public institutions and businesses, and many members acquired computer skills, thereby enabling the IRA to gain access to detailed information on a wide range of people in Northern Ireland including politicians, lawyers, judges, members of the security forces, Ulster loyalist paramilitaries, and prison officers. [11], He enjoys occasional games of backgammon and eating tiramisu, Come back  soon for  a feature on loyalist Supergrasses. He now lives relatively openly in England, having refused to adopt a new identity, and works as a security consultant, occasional advisor to the Ulster Unionist Party,[24] and media pundit, usually whenever the IRA has made a major announcement. The ISU has also been referred to as the “Nutting Squad”. ( Log Out /  He commented, “Refusing to confirm or deny my role is simply a trick to avoid the State’s responsibilities toward someone who has risked his life for it.”[45], In the same month, May made an application using the controversial “Closed Material Procedures” (CMPs) which are secret courts under the recent Justice and Security Act. O’Callaghan escaped to Ireland despite being hunted by British police and in 1985 he was elected as a Sinn Féin councillor for Tralee Urban District Council, and unsuccessfully contested a seat on Kerry County Council. During his time as a Special Branch intelligence agent, he became close to senior IRA members, having daily contact with those responsible for organising and perpetrating the shooting attacks and bombings throughout Northern Ireland. McGartland later attended St. Thomas’ Secondary School. Even in his safe house in England he was tracked down and shot six times. The Provisional IRA issued a one-line statement saying that it had “no involvement whatsoever” with the murder. The trial took just one day and despite the contentious and contradictory evidence the all-male jury needed just ten minutes deliberation before passing a guilty verdict, with a recommendation to mercy. His testimony was one of the main elements of the supergrass policy, which hoped to convict large numbers of paramilitaries. His younger sister Mary and brother Michael were also present. In 1999, he published an autobiography entitled The Informer: The True Life Story of One Man’s War On Terrorism. He is believed to be in London, where he is suing the Crown, claiming his British military handlers cut off their connections and financial aid to him. [38], In 1997 McGartland published a book about his life, Fifty Dead Men Walking. [10] Around 100 IRA and INLA members were then arrested in Derry on his evidence, of whom 35 were charged with terrorist offences. In the IRA attack on the base in Germany, three mortars were fired from the back of a Ford Transit van parked just outside the gates. Harry Gleeson was shamefully hanged for murder in 1941. Ingram stated that Hegarty was a FRU agent whom other FRU members had encouraged to rise through the organisation and gain the confidence of key IRA members. The IRA was blamed. The assault left him confined to a wheelchair for three months. McGartland: 'A dead man walking' Has Mr McGartland's IRA past caught up with him As an IRA informer Martin McGartland was always going to be a marked man. Abstract: Dramatises the story Alistair Little, a UVF member, who spent 13 years in jail for killing Jim Griffin (21) from Lurgan on 29 October 1975. In 1969, violent attacks were perpetrated against civil rights organizers and many other Catholics by unionists. My autobiography: A Belfast Child is now available to pre-order on Amazon , launch date is 30th April. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He was a friend of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, and the two men served time together in Long Kesh for paramilitary offences in the 1970s. The coroner’s inquest took place just days after the death. He was offered £200 a week with bonuses for arrests and weapons finds. Just as William’s clothes caught fire, Aylward said “Don’t let them goats into my haggard anymore” before striding out the door. Nee subsequently served a long sentence in the US Federal Prison system for his role in the shipment. Mass cards are sent as tokens of sympathy to bereaved families when a member of the family has died. O’Callaghan was born on 26 January 1954 into a republican family in Tralee, County Kerry. Scappaticci appears to give intimate details of the modus operandi of the IRA’s Northern Command, indicated some of his previous involvement in the organisation and alleges, amongst other things, that Martin McGuinness was involved in the death of Frank Hegarty – an IRA volunteer who had been killed as an informer by the IRA in 1986. If anyone is interested in the realities of what was happening in Northern Ireland in the latter part of the twentieth century than this is well worth a read. Dr. Matthew Coghlan appeared on the stand and told the court that the injuries to William Holden could not have occurred accidentally. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The murder was also condemned by Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams. OK!Good Records is a genre independent record label established in 2010 to distribute, market, and promote artists and music that defy boundaries, reject limitations, and transcend the ordinary. Various killings as a result of ISU activities have been attributed to Scappaticci. There were several inconsistencies with the various media reports alleging that Scappaticci was Stakeknife. arrived home within the next few minutes to be met with several hysterical children and a baby suffering from life-threatening burns. This effectively made the IRA a police force in some areas. He had attempted to wrestle the gun away from his assailant, but was shot in the left hand, the blast almost destroying his thumb. Some minutes afterwards, Patrick Aylward allegedly knocked at the Holden’s front door. As the violent religious-political conflict known as the Troubles escalated, republican areas such as Ballymurphy increasingly came under the control of the local Provisional IRA (IRA) who, in the absence of normal policing, took on some policing functions. She was later killed after accidentally falling through a skylight at her school. [6], On 19 March 2006, Hugh Jordan, a journalist for the Sunday World tracked him down to an isolated pre-Famine cottage near Glenties, County Donegal. D.I. After learning of MacIntyre’s deal from FBI agent John Connolly, Bulger murdered him and buried him in a South Boston basement. Kevin Fulton is a British agent from Newry, Northern Ireland, who allegedly spied on the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) for MI5. To this day Martin McGartland cannot live a normal life or return to Northern Ireland. [19] Although the RUC repeatedly offered him witness protection as part of the supergrass policy, O’Callaghan refused to accept. [1], In Unsung Hero, “Fulton” claims he worked undercover as a British Army agent within the IRA. He recounted in his book Fifty Dead Men Walking that he occasionally drove IRA punishment squads around and overheard them boast about the beatings they had meted out to their victims. An Irish dead man walking who survived death penalty The grim, unresolved case of Patrick Aylward, charged with murder in 1923. On remand in Crumlin Road Prison, he was severely beaten by IRA prisoners. A giant of a man in height and strength, Heppenstall invented his own modus operandi of 'trotting executions' by hanging and strangling his victims … A statement by Northern Ireland Secretary of State Peter Hain referred to his death as a “barbaric act”, while ROI Prime Minister Bertie Ahern condemned “the brutal murder” of Donaldson. [16] Working in the IRA Intelligence unit enabled McGartland to learn about the organisation’s command structure pertaining to finance, ordnance, intelligence and the detailed planning of operations. Ireland's most notorious hitman Robbie Lawlor was gunned down with four bullets to the head at around 11.50am last Saturday.. An assassin just like … His allegations indicate that, to the handlers of the FRU, it was more important to keep Stakeknife in place rather than save the life of Hegarty.[9]. Sean Penn Susan Sarandon See Movie Film Movie Movie List Great Films Good Movies Awesome Movies Charlie Chaplin. May God forgive the woman who put the lie on me and God forgive the jury.” His pleas fell on deaf ears and his execution was set for the December 27, putting him among five convicted murderers to be sentenced to death in that month. She told him to lock the door and stay inside. The scale of the pay-out for which he is liable is to be assessed at a later stage, See Is time running out for Freddie Scappaticci. He denied that he had ever been linked to any facet of the British intelligence services, including the Force Research Unit.[6]. He chose the INLA over the IRA as a number of his friends were already in the organisation. Michael Holden also recounted Aylward raising a stick at them and telling them as he left the house “Don’t tell your mother or I’ll kill you.”. In the late 1980s, he travelled to Lebanon again and held talks with both Lebanese Shia militias, Hezbollah and Amal, in an effort to secure the freedom of the Irish hostage Brian Keenan. Martin “Marty” McGartland (born 30 January 1970 in Belfast, Northern Ireland)[1] is a former British agent who infiltrated the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA)[2] in 1989 to pass information to RUC Special Branch. He received assistance from his neighbours and was rushed to intensive care in hospital where he recovered from his injuries. [3], In one incident, “Fulton” was questioned on responsibility for designing firing mechanisms used in a horizontal mortar attack on a Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) armoured patrol car on Merchants Quay, Newry, County Down, on 27 March 1992. Arts; CBBC; CBeebies; ... Dead Man Walking. He confessed to the murders of Private Eva Martin and D.I. [10] It is unclear whether this audio is a recording made via the Cook Report investigation. He has written two books about his life, Fifty Dead Men Walking: The Terrifying True Story of a Secret Agent Inside the IRA and Dead Man Running. This move by May was described by some lawyers and Human Rights’ groups as “Kafkaesque”. In April 2014, Gilmour’s second book What Price Truth was published; in the book Gilmour goes into greater detail about his life within the IRA and INLA. Create a free website or blog at It’s a scandal. [15] In 1998, he published a book, Dead Ground (ISBN 0-7515-2621-5), telling of his experiences. From 1989-91, he provided information about IRA activities and planned attacks to the RUC Special Branch. [9] On 8 April 2006 Donaldson was buried in Belfast City Cemetery, rather than at Milltown Cemetery, the more common burial place for republicans. When asked about the defendant, he described him as a “degenerate” who lived in squalor, referring to the Aylward homestead as a “manure heap and cesspool.” He did insist that Aylward was sane and capable of distinguishing right from wrong, however. [12] Gilmour was then sent to Cyprus and then Newcastle by the RUC. [4] One of the effects of the continuous rioting and the campaign of bombings and shootings in Belfast and all over Northern Ireland was to make McGartland grow up quickly. Their methods were not met with approval by all residents. McGuinness said Gilmour must decide for himself whether or not it was safe to return to Derry and that he was not under threat from Sinn Féin, nor – he believes – from the IRA. [10][11] After rejoining the IRA, O’Callaghan claims he heard allegations that the bombing was planned to obtain money from the Soviet military intelligence service (the GRU) and the East German Stasi. To this day Martin McGartland cannot live a normal life or return to Northern Ireland. In February 2009, Gardaí announced they had a new lead in the inquiry into his death. Mary would describe her neighbor as a violent and unpredictable man who had twice struck her with a stick. [18] A warning was phoned in and royal correspondent, James Whitaker noted later that the early departure of the Royal couple had seemed rude at the time. This news broke immediately after the Secretary of State’s comments that he believed the IRA had ended all of its illegal activity.”[44], Despite McGartland being known as one of the best agents to operate during the Troubles,[45] British Home Secretary Theresa May told a court in early 2014 that she refused to confirm or deny that he was a British agent working for MI5 offering as explanation, “in case providing such information would endanger his life or damage national security”. [43] In August 2006 Ian Paisley told Peter Hain, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, “We have also heard how the sister of IRA informer Martin McGartland was told by police that her safety was under threat. He also became involved in battles with other Catholic youths against Ulster Protestant boys from nearby loyalist estates; this mostly involved throwing stones at each other. [46] The following is an extract from the Northumbria Police newspaper “The Crown authorities reject any suggestion that Mr. McGartland has been treated unreasonably. A nun, while comforting a convicted killer on death row, empathizes with both the killer and his victim's families. The last person he is believed to have spoken to is Tim Cranley, a census taker, who spoke to him in the cottage around 8:30pm on the previous day. [28], In 1997, his identity was revealed publicly by the Northumbria Police in court when he was caught breaking the speed limit and subsequently prosecuted for holding driving licences in different names, which he explained as a means of avoiding IRA detection. He mentioned the Holden family’s “bad moral character,” and alluded to a previous incident when another Holden child had burned to death in suspicious circumstances in 1910. This was after being recommended by childhood friend Harry Fitzsimmons, part of an IRA bomb team, whom McGartland often drove around Belfast. In Belfast, Northern Ireland... A man walking down a dark alley is stopped by a thug with a revolver. The controversy that has arisen centres on the allegation by Ingram that Scappaticci’s role as an informer was protected by the FRU through the deaths of those who might have been in a position to expose him as a British agent.[8]. Ingram also alleges that Scappaticci disclosed information to British intelligence on IRA operations during the time period, involving: Aside from providing intelligence to the FRU, Scappaticci is alleged to have worked closely with his FRU handlers throughout the 1980s and 1990s to protect and promote his position within the IRA. The result of that suit has not been made public. Freddie Scappaticci (born c. 1946)[1] is a purported former high-level double agent in the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), known by the codename Stakeknife. McGartland pointed out that the case had nothing to do with national security or his undercover work 24 years earlier. On this date in 1984, Elmo Patrick Sonnier was electrocuted in Louisiana’s Angola Prison for abducting and murdering two teens in St. Martin Parish. He duly arrived and found the baby in a state of collapse. He said he was, “entirely unworthy of belief … a selfish and self-regarding man, to whose lips a lie comes more naturally than the truth”.[14]. Patrick attempted to aid his brother but was unable to do so. I have not been in that house for five months. He would later allege that McCarthy and Hamilton were RUC informers based on what he had personally observed of the men during his kidnapping as he waited to be interrogated, tortured and subsequently executed. [31], In 1999, he was shot six times at his home by two men receiving serious wounds in the chest, stomach, side, upper leg and hand. When he was exposed as an agent in 1991 he was abducted by the IRA, but escaped and was resettled in England. [9] He then worked for a local taxi firm as an unlicensed driver, paying a percentage to the IRA. [13] On December 18, 1984, the presiding judge, Lord Lowry, ruled that Gilmour was not a credible witness. After a riot that destroyed much of the republican wing there, he was transferred to the Maze Prison. Relations between the two households had soured shortly after Patrick’s return. Agent 'Carol' Martin McGartland infiltrates the IRA in Belfast and saves 50 + lives The dead man's clothes were found to be caked with mud and lime. Because of his connection to the community, the British police want him to infiltrate and spyon the IRA. [41][42], After the 1994 ceasefire, McGartland appealed to be allowed to return home to West Belfast. Immediately afterwards, he telephoned his Garda contact and said, “We’re in.”[14], According to O’Callaghan, “Over the next few months plans to carry out various armed robberies were put together by the local IRA. Saved by IMDb. The RUC intercepted the two couriers delivering the guns to be used to shoot the soldiers and McGartland was exposed as an infiltrator. [45], McGartland responded by lambasting May, pointing out that “this is one of the daftest things I have ever heard; everyone who is interested knows my past … “[n]o current security interest is at stake.” After highlighting the two books he has written about his life as an undercover agent, one of which was made into a successful film, there have also been six television documentaries on him and a number of newspaper articles. [40] McGartland criticised the police for inadequate protection but offered to testify on their behalf, saying: “There are people who have been the victims of terrorist attacks, who’ve lost loved ones, and some of them haven’t been compensated. Scotland. Fifty Dead Men Walking book. The government may also have been reluctant to execute a man solely on the evidence of children. On 4 April 2006, Donaldson was found shot dead inside his cottage, where he had been living for several months. McGartland additionally has a contract which was signed by MI5 after he was shot in England in which the representatives of the PSNI and Northumbria Police acknowledged his service in general terms. It was Martin’s husband who found her body on a shattered staircase inside the base. And while MI5 admitted in a letter that there was a continued threat to McGartland’s life, they commented “it is not such that he needs immediate police protection or to abandon immediately his residence”. [7], On 31 January 2014, the Belfast High Court ruled that “Fulton” had to pay damages to Eilish Morley, the mother of IPLO member Eoin Morley, shot dead at age 23 by the Provisional IRA (PIRA). However, he was awarded £100 for a delay in returning items of property. Belfast District Judge Isobel Brownlie stated at least twice that she was not impressed with Keeley’s evidence and described him as “disingenuous”. [5] For several years afterward, he ran a moderately successful mobile cleaning business. [26] He failed in his attempt to receive compensation for his injuries. [27], Three years after moving to England, the IRA sent his mother a Catholic mass card with McGartland’s name written on it. At the strangest of times I would find myself reliving the events of my years in the IRA.
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