The Jews were wholly innocent in the matter: they had done nothing to cause any disturbance. During New Testament times, it was a common name among Greeks. Although Alexander is not mentioned by name in the canonical Scriptures, in Daniel he is designated by a transparent symbol (8:5, 21). Analysis, gender of Brandon, acrostic poem about Brandon At the end of his campaign there were dozens of cities named Alexandria, and countless people. A compound Greek name composed of the elements alexein (to defend, to help) and andros (man): hence, defender or helper of mankind. The name was borne by Alexander the Great (356323 B.C. Who was ".$table["name"]." Instantly recognizing that the fury of the Ephesian people might expend itself in violence and bloodshed, and that in that fury they would be the sufferers, the Jews "put forward" Alexander, so that by his skill as a speaker he might clear them, either of having instigated the riot, or of being in complicity with Paul. But the riot had taken place, and no one could tell what would happen. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". the king of Macedonia, the great conqueror; probably represented in Daniel by the "belly of brass" ( Daniel 2:32), and the leopard and the he-goat ( 7:6; Daniel 11:3 Daniel 11:4).He succeeded his father Philip, and died at the age of thirty-two from the effects of intemperance, B.C. Some other compound words that contain this verb are: (alexetes), meaning averter; (alexema), meaning a defense or remedy; (alexaithrios), meaning screening from chilled air. Hebrew names often had familiar, easy-to-understand meanings. The names are symbolic. This may be the same with Alexander the coppersmith, mentioned by the same apostle, ( 2Timothy 4:14 ) as having done him many mischiefs. Abednego m Biblical It would also follow that the households were among the intimate friends of Paul, so much so that the mother of the family is affectionately addressed by him as "Rufus' mother and mine." ALEXANDER. From this meeting there arose the riot, in which the whole city was in commotion. Origin of Alexander Name. 323. The name Alexander was #11 in popularity Events Symbols Numerology World News. American Meaning : The name Alexander is an American baby name. It held that matter was originally and essentially evil; that for this reason the body was not an essential part of human nature; that the only resurrection was that of each man as he awoke from the death of sin to a righteous life; that thus in the case of everyone who has repented of sin, "the resurrection was past already," and that the body did not participate in the blessedness of the future life, but that salvation consisted in the soul's complete deliverance from all contact with a material world and a material body. How common is the name Alexander. al-eg-zan'-der Alexandros, literal meaning "defender of men." In Greek mythology this was another name of the hero Paris, and Verse Concepts. The meaning of Alexander is "defender of mankind". Compare In 2Timothy 2:17,18, Hymeneus is associated with Philetus, and further details are there given regarding their false teaching. Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Alexander, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Alexander, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Alexander, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Alexander, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, A relative of Annas the high priest, present when Peter and John were examined before the Sanhedrim (, A man whose father, Simon the Cyrenian, bore the cross of Christ (, A Jew of Ephesus who took a prominent part in the uproar raised there by the preaching of Paul (, A coppersmith who, with Hymenaeus and others, promulgated certain heresies regarding the resurrection (, Son of Simon the Cyrenian, who was compelled to bear the cross for our Lord. The word coppersmith is translated from the Greek word chalkeus, which means brazier or a worker of metals.The NIV translates it as metalworker; the ESV, KJV, and NASB have it as coppersmith. This word occurs five times in the New Testament, ( Mark 15:21; Acts 4:6; 19:33; 1 Timothy 1:19,20; 2 Timothy 4:14 ): It is not certain whether the third, fourth and fifth of these passages refer to the same man. Name day: August 30: Origin; Word/name: Via Latin Alexander, originally from the Greek (Alxandros), from alxein meaning "to ward off, keep off, turn away, defend, protect" and andrs, genitive of anr meaning "man". Check it out! In other words, this name does not so much commemorate mankind's defense against, say, forces of nature, wild animals or even the gods, but rather our boys from the evil others. ( Acts 4:6 ) A Jew at Ephesus whom his countrymen put forward during the tumult raised by Demetrius the silversmith, ( Acts 19:33 ) to plead their cause with the mob. Defender of the People. The Persian empire would not succumb to Greece until Alexander the Great Defeated it in 330 BC. As Timothy was now in Ephesus, in charge of the church there, he is strongly cautioned by the apostle to be on his guard against this opponent. The meaning of this is, that in time past this lady had treated Paul with the tender care which a mother feels and shows to her own son. So Simon was the father of War and Peace. On the other hand, there are parents who look for names based on the meaning they want them to carry. In regard to this, it should be remembered that all three of these Alexanders were resident in Ephesus; and it is specially to be noticed that the fourth and the fifth of that name resided in that city at much the same time; the interval between Paul's references to these two being not more than a year or two, as not more than that time elapsed between his writing 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. He is mentioned by Lk, as having been present as a member of the Sanhedrin, before which Peter and John were brought to be examined, for what they had done in the cure of the lame man at the gate of the temple. Eight popes and three Russian emperors have been named Alexander. Events Symbols Numerology World News. Users of this name Sensitive , Rich and Humble , High ability of Persuasion , Helpful , Happy , Science Eenthusiast , Hardworking. The second part of the name Alexander comes from the common Greek word (andros), meaning of man: The noun (aner) refers to a human male individual or husband. Dan 2:39 . mean? in the bible? All rights reserved. In his anger against the Christians generally, but specially against Paul, because of his successful preaching of the gospel, he called together a meeting of the craftsmen; the trade of the manufacture of idols was in jeopardy. 0 Comments for Alexander Bible Name Meaning. Resources Options Search. Daniel 7:6. It has been conjectured that he may have been the Alexander who was a brother of Philo, and who was also the alabarch or magistrate of the city of Alexandria. Noun (andrapodistes), means man-stealer, and noun (androphonos), meaning manslayer. Alexander is a form of Alexandros and is generally pronounced like " al eks AN der ". The doctrine of these three heretical teachers, Hymeneus, Alexander and Philetus, was accordingly one of the early forms of Gnosticism. The name Alexander is of Greek origin. As with Frederick the Great, the career of Alexander would have been impossible had his father been other than he was. This word occurs five times in the New Testament, Mk 15:21; Acts 4:6; 19:33; 1 Tim 1:19,20; 2 Tim 4:14): It is not certain whether the third, fourth and fifth of these passages refer to the same man. Gender of Alexander. From this statement of the evangelist, it is apparent that at the time the Second Gospel was written, Alexander and Rufus were Christians, and that they were well known in the Christian community. "A certain Alexander was put forward by the Jews to address the mob; but this merely increased the clamor and confusion. It is possible that he was the worker in bronze, who afterward did Paul much harm" (Ramsay, Paul the Traveler, etc., 279). Alexander. The name Alexandra / Alexander consists of two parts: The first segment comes from the verb (alexo), meaning to ward or keep off, turn away or aside (Liddell and Scott An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon). Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesnt mean something bad or unpleasant. 0 Comments for Alexander Bible Name Meaning. Exact Match. Advertisement. General Editor. Alexander the Great. Greek. Latinized form of the Greek name (Alexandros), which meant defending men from Greek (alexo) to defend, help and (aner) man (genitive ). Comment on Alexander Bible Name Meaning. This mention of Rufus and his mother is in the list of names of Christians resident in Rome. So pernicious were these teachings of incipient Gnosticism in the Christian church, that they quickly spread, eating like a gangrene. Mark takes it for granted that the first readers of his Gospel will at once understand whom he means. (, A Jew at Ephesus whom his countrymen put forward during the tumult raised by Demetrius the silversmith, (, An Ephesian Christian reprobated by St. Paul in (, Alexander the coppersmith, mentioned by the same apostle, (. Hence the meaning: Defender of Men. This word occurs five times in the New Testament, (Mark 15:21; Acts 4:6; 19:33; 1Timothy 1:19,20; 2Timothy 4:14): It is not certain whether the third, fourth and fifth of these passages refer to the same man. on Phil, 176) writes: "There seems no reason to doubt the tradition that Mr wrote especially for the Romans; and if so, it is worth remarking that he alone of the evangelists describes Simon of Cyrene, as `the father of Alexander and Rufus.' In the matter of the riot in Ephesus the whole responsibility rested with Demetrius the silversmith. The second Alexander, referred to in Acts 4:6, was a relative of Annas the Jewish high priest. In 1 Maccabees 1:1 he is expressly named as the overthrower of the Persian empire, and the founder of that of the Greeks. The name Alexander has been popular since Alexander the Great conquered the entire known world and converted his subjects to the Aristotelian outlook on life. During the reign of Judah's King Ahaz Ajalon was captured and repopulated by the Philistines. Meaning: one who assists men . Bibliography Information In the Old Testament, this is the name of a member of the tribe of Gad. All information about the first name Alexander. There are various Alexanders mentioned in the Bible. It is therefore quite possible these two Alexanders may be one and the same person. The teaching of Hymeneus and Alexander was to the effect that Christian morality was not required--antinomianism. The ultimate A-Z Bible names list, complete with name meanings, origins and background info for all Bible baby names. ALEXANDER - one who assists men. An Ephesian Christian reprobated by St. Paul in ( 1Timothy 1:20 ) as having, together with one Hymenaeus, put from him faith and a good conscience, and so made shipwreck concerning the faith. Hymenaeus (belonging to marriage), the name of a person occurring twice in the correspondence between St. Paul and Timothy; the first time classed with Alexander, ( 1 Timothy 1:20) and the second time classed with Philetus. Daniel describes a vision in which he sees a two-horned ram being trampled by a unicorn he-goat. Means "servant of God" in Hebrew. The fifth and last occurrence of the name Alexander is in 2Timothy 4:14,15, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord will render to him according to his works: of whom do thou also beware (the King James Version "of whom be thou ware also"); for he greatly withstood our words." But when they perceived that he was a Jew, all with one voice," etc., the Revised Version, margin. Rufus is only mentioned twice. Greek Meaning: The name Alexander is a Greek baby name. Ajalon (Aijalon), given to the tribe of Dan as an inheritance in the Promised Land, was also designated a Levitical city. Origin of ".$table["name"].". The name Alexander is a Biblical baby name. ( 2 Timothy 2:17 2 Timothy 2:18) (A.D. 66 In Greek the meaning of the name Alexander is: Defender of men. The personal antagonism of Alexander manifested itself by his greatly withstanding the proclamation of the gospel by Paul. Alexander Meaning and Origin The name Alexander is a boys name meaning defender of man and is of Greek origin. Greece was unified by his father, Philip II, but Alexande. "; } ///// // HTML Stuffs // // Here // ///// include('admin/tmpl_header.php'); Alexander the coppersmith in the Bible was a man who did significant harm to Pauls ministry (2 Timothy 4:14). In American origin the meaning of name Alexander is : Defender of mankind maturely or courageously). Subject (required) Name (optional) Comments (required) Spam, links, and email addresses will be removed. The Tabernacle of Ancient Israel - Brief Overview of the Tabernacle of Moses in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. In Greek mythology this was another name of the hero Paris, and it also belongs to several characters in the New Testament. A name commonly represented a person's personality or reputation in Bible times. 1Corinthians 5:5. The Greco-Persian wars broke out a few decades after Daniel wrote his book. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Their differences come from grammatical constructs that make the name either male, female or local. Its associated adverb (philanthropos) means humanely. Ajalon (Aijalon) Deerfield, field of deer Strong's #H357. Brass Inferiority Things Like Bronze Third Person. And the list goes on. These evil deeds had taken the form of personally opposing the apostle's preaching. It is the place where the moon miraculously stood still while Joshua battled with the Amorites. Alternative Spellings & Variations: Abbigail, Abigal, Boy. Another noteworthy detail is that, judging from its verbal roots and earliest applications, this name was probably originally feminine (Alexandra). In Biblical the meaning of the name Alexander is: One who assists men. Meaning of Brandon name, name definition, origin of Brandon name, popularity and history of Brandon, name meaning in the Bible/Torah/Quran? These are some of the most popular and unique biblical names for boys, along with their meanings, origins, popularity in the top 1,000 list of boy names, and other interesting information. If this identification is correct, then it follows, not only that the sons of Simon were Christians, but that his wife also was a Christian, and that they had all continued faithful to Christ for many years. Gaius m Ancient Roman, Biblical Latin, Biblical Roman praenomen, or given name, of uncertain meaning. Alexander name numerology is 3 and here you can learn how to pronounce Alexander, Alexander origin and similar names to Alexander name. Mark adds that this Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus. Noun (anthropoktonos) means human-slayer, and the familiar noun (philanthropia) denotes the love for mankind. There was no clear idea among the rioters what they wanted: an anti-Jewish and an anti-Christian demonstration were mixed up, and probably Alexander's retention was to turn the general feeling away from the Jews. The meaning of Alexander is Protector of Mankind. The inscriptions exhibit several members of the household (of the emperor) bearing the names Rufus and Alexander, but this fact is of no value where both names are so common.". 1915. Since Alexander the Great appeared on the world stage after the youngest book of the Old Testament was written, this name does not occur in the Hebrew Bible. The name Alexander also occurs again in 2 Timothy 4:14; but being common, and having a distinguishing addition there the coppersmith, and referring rather to a personal enemy of St Paul than to a heretic, may more probably refer to a different person, possibly the Alexander of Acts 19:33. Noun (anthropos) denotes man as in mankind. A curious consequence of the distinction between the nouns and is that the name Alexander does not so much mean Defender of Man(kind), as it is commonly translated, but more so Defence Of The Men. ALEXANDER - one who assists men. 2,622 Biblical names and their meanings. The name itself stems from deep antiquity, and is possibly more than 3.500 years old. Its genitive form is the familiar word (andros), which means "of (a) man" or "manly.". This Alexander was a worker in copper or iron, a smith. The meaning of Alexander is " Defending men ". Alexander is the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. The name Alexander does not speak of the betterment of mankind but rather of competition among armies or cultures or systems of governance, and the edge of advantage that the "way of Alexander" has over the other armies and systems of governance. Whoever they were to the early church in Rome or Jerusalem, they seemed to be well known at the time. Abigail. There is no other mention of Alexander in the New Testament, but it is usually thought that his brother Rufus is the person mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:13, "Salute Rufus the chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine." Verb (andrizo) means to behave manly (i.e. After you will arise another kingdom (Medo-Persia) inferior to you, and then a third kingdom of bronze (Greece under Alexander the Great), which will rule over all the earth. The third Alexander is mentioned in Acts 19:33: "And some of the multitude instructed Alexander, the Jews putting him forward. The meaning of the name Gog remains uncertain, and in any case, the author of the Ezekiel prophecy seems to attach no particular importance to it. Alexander. ScienceQuantum Mechanics and Chaos TheoryHope and the Scientific MethodThe Passion of the Christ and the Theory of EverythingWhy sheep are humanHumanitiesScience, religion and data retentionCamels and international tradeThe social psychology of planetsHow circumcision created the modern worldLinguisticsOn script and information technologyWords and nominal reasonThe Hebrew alphabetThe Hebrew calendar, BibleHow the Bible works (on the name Mary)Biblical namesInterlinear New TestamentLots and lots of topical articlesHebrew dictionaryGreek dictionaryMiscellaneousThe gospel of impurityEndosymbiotic eukaryosynthesisFaith, evolution and freedomThe Bible, AI and cryptocurrencyOnline e-book (free, no tricks)Weird Patterns in History and Movies, HousekeepingCookies, Copyright & ContactAbout us and ourCenter for Rational TheologySupport usThrough PatreonVia Paypal, Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary, (c) Abarim Publications first published on 2010-12-26; last updated on 2021-02-09, Discover the meanings of thousands of Biblical names in. Salem Media Group. The fourth of the New Testament Alexanders is one of two heretical teachers at Ephesus--the other being Hymeneus: see article under the word--against whom Paul warns Timothy in 1Timothy 1:19,20. What they taught is described by Paul as "profane babblings," as leading to more ungodliness, and as eating "as doth a gangrene." Adjective (hupandros), meaning "under a husband," i.e. Bible Roman Empire Map - Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. A person of this name therefore (Rufus) seems to have held a prominent place among the Roman Christians; and thus there is at least fair ground for identifying the Rufus of Paul with the Rufus of Mark. Their heresy consisted in saying that the resurrection was past already, and it had been so far successful, that it had overthrown the faith of some. Tools. Parents to be are always on the lookout for unique and interesting names. Lightfoot (Comm. In John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), this is the name of a seraph who withstands Satan when he urges the angels to revolt. But it doesnt seem that any of them would be the Alexander mentioned in Mark 15. "Entry for 'ALEXANDER'". Dan 7:6 . Nothing more is known of this Alexander than is here given by Luke. Meanings Biblical Names Meaning: In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Alexander is: One who assists men. Not Alfred but Roswell. Alexander therefore may have been a North African by birth. The denial of the future resurrection of the body involved also the dental of the bodily resurrection of Christ, and even the fact of the incarnation. Popularity of the name Alexander in 30 countries, origin and meaning of the name Alexander It consists of 9 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced A-lex-an-der. Analysis of Alexander Name High ability of Persuasion , Rich and Humble , Creative , Pleasant , Trustworthy , Successful in Business , Warrior. 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