In a consumer economy like Sweden’s, this means a lot of waste and ethical problems from cheaply made overseas fabrics. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), National knowledge centre for adaptation to climate change, Manager of the National knowledge centre for adaptation to climate change. In Stockholm around 850,000 people use public transport on a normal day. Sweden passed legislation last week which legally binds the country to reach net-zero emissions by the year 2045, five years earlier than previously planned. The National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation with support from Rossby Centre, offers products, advisory services and decision-relevant knowledge (see below). On a visit to the UK in April, Greta … Fewer Swedes are traveling by plane, according to Swedavia, which operates the country's 10 busiest airports. 15) submitted, Landslides and erosion that threatens communities, infrastructure and businesses, Floods that threaten communities, infrastructure and businesses, High temperatures that mean risks to health and well-being for humans and animals, Lack of water resources for people, farms or industry, Biological and ecological effects that impact sustainable development, Impacts on domestic and international food production and trade. 2008/09:162) which includes the initial steps for the Swedish society to adapt to a changing climate. Stina Behrens is a graduate of the Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm. The capital of Stockholm is growing so quickly that all kinds of challenges need to be met. Activist Greta Thunberg Climate Change: Thunberg said on Tuesday, May 4, that the politicians, including Sweden's leaders, are still in denial over the threat from climate change. In 2018, the Centre has a budget of approximately SEK 18 million. Several national authorities had already developed action plans for the sectors that fall under their responsibility. The climate can’t wait.” In 2009 the Swedish Parliament adopted a coherent policy for climate and energy (Prop. Many Swedish authorities play an important role in adaptation work through their respective sectoral responsibilities and are working on preventive measures, building knowledge and improving resilience. On the edge of Stockholm’s urban park, the new ‘eco-quarter’ of Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm Royal Seaport, is using an old gasworks to build thousands of eco-friendly homes complete with biogas produced from food waste, as well as providing electric car chargers and planning a new tram line. The Government also distributes assignments related to various measures to sector agencies. In 2015, the Swedish Government even made the circular economy part of its annual address to parliament. At present, many high-street products use either cheap plastics or intensively farmed cotton, both of which are bad for the environment. Their mission is to engage with a global agenda on health research, addressing critical issues in global health and facilitating interaction and collaboration between Northern and Southern partners. If you want more information, read about, a breakdown of emissions of air pollutants in Sweden over time, Climate change media caption Inside the boat Greta Thunberg will be travelling on to cross the Atlantic Greta Thunberg is the Swedish teenager who … Västra hamnen, the Western Harbour, in Malmö – with the Turning Torso skyscraper as the landmark – has been transformed from a depreciating area to a carbon-neutral neighbourhood. Thunberg talked to the reporters after the meeting and… The Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation provides tools and information to help society cope with a changing climate, now and in the future. The report covered the Swedish society's vulnerability to global climate change, and regional and local impacts of these changes and an assessment of the damage costs climate change may give rise to. Its 1950s motorways are overcrowded and millions of people need to be supplied with clean water, clean heat and clean energy. Most adaptation issues are, however, multidisciplinary, meaning that work on climate adaptation is largely performed in collaboration between different actors and sectors at the national, regional and local levels. So far, sectors that have received national funds for developing such plans include: In June 2018, the National Board on Planning, Building and Housing was given a coordinating role in relation to adaptation within physical planning. Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR) at Linköping University is a interdisciplinary centre focusing on studies related to climate science and policy research. To underpin the National Adaptation Strategy with specific actions the Government decided in June 2018 on an ordinance which mandates 32 national authorities and the 21 County Administrative Boards to initiate, support and follow up on adaptation within their area of responsibility, including to develop action plans. Sweden has a well-established and functioning framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR), including work in forums for crisis preparedness. Sweden’s contributions to climate finance are presented, as are research and development. For more than a decade, Sweden has been in the top ten of the globally respected Environmental Performance Index produced by Columbia and Yale universities, with exceptionally clean air and clean water alongside its low emissions. These stakeholders include Network for shore erosion, Committee on dimensioned flows in hydroelectric dams in a changing climate, Delegation for landslides and a National network for drinking water. ‘We can help by moving to completely new consumption models. To ensure efficient knowledge transfer and consistent and coordinated approaches to actions, the Government has tasked the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) to run a National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation. Research topics revolve around mitigation and adaptation to a changing world climate, in Sweden and internationally, as well as the use of natural resources and sustainable development. A broad range of policy instruments can be used to curb carbon emissions, and economic instruments such as taxes and emissions trading are critical elements of any comprehensive mitigation strategy. Considering its northerly geographic location (at the latitude of parts of Greenland and Siberia), Sweden enjoys a favourable climate. SEI bridges science and policy to find robust responses to the challenges of sustainability. Cooperation is promoted on all levels and between sectors and actors working with land use planning, risk management, natural disasters and climate adaptation, in order to reduce risks and enhance preparedness. New York, Dec 9 —Sweden and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have entered a US$40 million partnership over four years to strengthen work on environment and climate change as part of broader efforts to eradicate poverty and accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Umeå, near the Arctic Circle, locally engineered electric buses are now an everyday sight. The forms for this reporting are under development. Sveriges Riksdag, Swedish Parliament, Photography: Thomas Huston. Greta doesn't think the UK is doing enough for the climate crisis. The Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) has executed a landslide risk mapping for Göta river valley between 2009 to 2012.The report contains a comprehensive risk analysis incorporating calculations of the probability of landslides and evaluation of the consequences that could arise from such incidents. The work is coordinated by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Mistra-SWECIA is an interdisciplinary research programme on climate, impacts and adaptation. In the summer of 2018 Sweden woke up to an alarming situation that to some extent is due to climate change. In built-up areas where the risk of natural disasters is particularly high, municipalities can apply for state funding for preventive actions. By 2045, Sweden is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases Together with its Nordic neighbours, Sweden has emphasised that green growth can drive transition through technical innovation rather than pose a risk. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) carries out resarch within four interdisciplinary research programmes within the fields of forests, agriculture, animal health and welfare, and also urban environment. Now, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) can present unique data which depict regional climate change after a rise in global temperature of 1.5 degrees. Several of her classmates are now working in similar roles, and one has started an environmental design consultancy to help green the economy, Beteendelabbet, ‘the behaviour lab’, changing how people consume products. Domestically produced Swedish wood fibre is not irrigated and pesticides are strictly controlled, and it opens up the possibility of a ‘cradle-to-cradle’ process. As regards the climate goal, Sweden’s emissions of greenhouse gases were reduced by 25 per cent between 1990 and 2015. Some local authorities have also developed adaptation action plans for their municipality. CEC conducts research, education and communication on environmental sciences and climate research. Visit for information on how to trade with and invest in Sweden. This framework is the most important climate reform in Sweden’s history and sets out implementation of the Paris Agreement in Sweden. The programme was completed in 2015. Finally, a description is provided of Sweden’s work on education, training and public awareness regarding climate change. The material on which the National Communication is Mitigating its effects has been high on the agenda of cabinets of the Governments of Sweden from 1996 through 2021. The SMHI plays an important role in providing services to the government and other administrations at regional and local level in terms of climate monitoring. Winter and summer temperature differences in Sweden are extreme, but generally the country enjoys a temperate climate, thanks to the Gulf Stream. Sweden has a wealth of sustainable natural resources to work with. So far, sectors that have received national funds for developing such plans include, The regional government offices (County Administrative Boards, or CABs) are responsible for coordinating the regional adaptation work and supporting local actors in their adaptation work. In 2019 Stockholm won the World Smart City Award for its GrowSmarter project, which is considered ‘innovative, open and connected’. More than half of Sweden’s national energy supply comes from renewables and a thorough legislation aims at further reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Due to Covid-19, there are currently restrictions on travels to and from Sweden. Sweden’s young people are deeply committed to the issue of climate change. The current top performers for 2020 are Sweden, Denmark and Morocco. Illustration: Government Offices of Sweden This involves adapting society to cope with environmental changes already underway. Significant progress and increased awareness of the importance of adaptation have been achieved in the last few years, at all levels of society. ‘The aim of the project is to develop locally produced textiles in Sweden,’ she says. As a result of the National Adaptation Strategy the Government gave in June 2018 the National Board on Planning, Building and Housing a coordinating role in relation to adaptation within physical planning. It provides an arena for the development and transfer of knowledge, where interaction with industry, interest groups and the general public will be developed. These teen activists at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, went on to organize the March for Our Livesin suppo… The challenge is to gain a competitive edge by investing in green technology, by both using domestic resources and developing methods that other countries could use to become more sustainable. The Government has issued amendments to the Planning and Building Act proposed in the National Adaptation Strategy and approved by the Riksdag in June 2018. The Rossby Centre is offering further open access to climate-relevant data. The research is characterized by interdisciplinary science and systems thinking. This includes funding for actions to prevent landslides in a particularly vulnerable area of Sweden. This means that every product has a mapped life cycle, and that customers become users rather than owners. Man-made global warming means temperatures are predicted to rise by at least 2 degrees centigrade over the next century, and issues such as food security, extreme weather and economic upheaval could be felt by countries all over the world. A cookie is stored on your device to give you a better experience of the website. Read more about Sweden and sustainability in other stories and fact sheets on Photo: Jann Lipka. They often pollute their local environment during production, and cannot always be recycled when they are worn out. Many Swedish authorities play an important role in adaptation work through their respective sectoral responsibilities and are working on preventive measures, building knowledge and improving resilience. New map data depict regional climate change after a rise in global temperature of 1.5 degrees. Elected to a first-ever term in government in 2014, the Green Party has pushed Sweden toward ambitious climate goals. ‘When I came to design, I was very interested in the world around me and in ideas of social sustainability, and that guided me,’ Behrens says. An overview of the adaptation action plans undertaken in the regions is available as a summary. The Stockholm Convention, largely a Swedish initiative, was a global treaty aimed at phasing out the production and use of persistent organic pollutants. Adaptation action plans To underpin the national strategy with specific action, the regional government offices have adopted 21 regional action plans covering the whole of Sweden with nearly 800 proposed actions. Photo: Transformator, Sustainable fabric production. ‘Sweden can develop a vision for transition to sustainable welfare, where we put down goals of being the world’s first fossil-free nation,’ Rockström says. Goal: That Sweden’s emission of greenhouse gases is 40 per cent lower than in 1990. There is a five-year evaluation-cycle for the National Adaptation Strategy. ‘We see a great amount of potential in helping large companies move towards a circular economy,’ Behrens says. Goal: Sweden is fossil-free and, thus, climate-neutral. Demark moved forward ten places in this single year, and Sweden has held the lead for two consecutive years. Sweden's airports have noticed a change, too. ‘Using domestic Swedish materials, we want to create sustainable production.’. All you need to know about Swedish higher education and scholarships is available at The report ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Sweden – an overview' compiles the agency assignments proposed for climate adaptation in 2007. However, the Centre strives to assist the whole of society to adapt to climate change, and has developed a wide range of communication materials such as films, games and education materials for schools. 2013-2021 Swedish Institute. As the work on adaptation cuts across many different disciplines, it is to a large extent guided by existing legislation, frameworks and targets, both national and international. Swedish teen Greta Thunberg has a manner that is level and unflinching. Photo: Maja Suslin/TT, Service designer Stina Behrens to the left. The portal offers comprehensive information and support within a number of areas. Through service design, the agency helps companies change the way they work from traditional to innovative new methods. The secretariat for the network is provided by SMHI. The Government finances measures to improve knowledge about the impacts of climate change and adaptation, for example by implementing prevention measures against landslides and flooding. In several areas, Sweden is doing well by international standards – for example in terms of the poverty and hunger goals, and the goals on education, health, water and infrastructure. Centre for Climate and Security, Karlstad University, is a national knowledge centre financed by the Civil Contingency Agency. Natural disaster in this context refers mainly to landslides or flooding. A few years ago, she and her classmates were frustrated about the lack of sustainability in industry, so they set about changing it. national climate goals, (2) a Climate Act and (3) a Climate Policy Council. Cooperation is promoted on all levels and between sectors and actors working with land use planning, risk management, natural disasters and climate adaptation, in order to reduce risks and enhance preparedness. The law changes also give municipalities the put demands on land permeability in the detailed planning rules. The portal is a result of the cooperation between eighteen Swedish governmental agencies - in collaboration with Sweden's municipalities and county councils. In the last few years, Transformator and its contemporaries have seen a growing number of major companies interested in sustainability. It might seem an impossible struggle, but previous successes on everything from tackling acid rain to recycling show that environment and development can go hand in hand. Several national authorities had already developed action plans for the sectors that fall under their responsibility. The secretariat for the network is provided by SMHI. These texts were written by Dominic Hinde. ‘This is an area where Sweden can take a leading role in moving to a more sustainable circular economy,’ Behrens says. Sweden is known for its undeveloped wilderness and archipelagoes, stretching from the European mainland to the Arctic. But her raw honesty about the climate crisis has captivated millions and spurred action. In August 2018, Thunberg began the school climate strikes and public speeches for which she has become an internationally recognized climate activist. This is how. Several authorities, and all 21 regions, have carried out action plans, which include vulnerability assessments, for their area of responsibility. An important part of Sweden’s economic transition strategy – apart from reducing emissions – is about actively trying to use natural processes to produce energy, industrial products and much else. The portal contains information about. In an interview with Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!, she said she first got the idea of a climate strike after school shootings in the United States in February 2018 led to several youths refusing to go back to school. The Government finances measures to improve knowledge about the impacts of climate change and to address these impacts, for example by implementing prevention measures against landslides and flooding. The last few decades have seen Sweden become a focus for leading environmental research. The main actions proposed in the plans concern. Claim: Magnus S\u00f6derlund proposed or advocated eating human flesh as a solution to climate change in remarks he made on Sept. 3, 2019. By 2050 two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities, according to the UN, and Sweden has one of the fastest rates of urbanisation in Europe. The Swedish green model means integrating business and sustainability. There is a National network for adaptation, promoting both vertical and horizontal cooperation, including the 21 counties, and 19 Government agencies. Mistra Urban Futures is a centre for sustainable urban development. A negative Covid-19 test certificate is required for foreign citizens coming to Sweden. The regional authorities are responsible for monitoring the work of the municipalities. Some local authorities have also developed adaptation action plans for their municipality. They have also developed pedagogic materials such as interactive games and role play connected to adaptation and risk management. An introduction to climate scenarios is available. Climate change caused by the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is one of the foremost global environment problems today. Sweden has a well-established and functioning framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR), including work in forums for crisis preparedness. Based on the consequences for society, the following fields have been identified as particularly pressing in the national strategy: In addition, each sectoral authority has responsibility for adaptation within their sector, and in the cases where they have developed action plans these are focused on the priority action identified for each sector. In the Gothenburg suburb of Mölndal, a pioneering project is underway to develop these raw materials to produce fabrics. After graduating, Behrens joined the board of Cradle Net, a national multidisciplinary network working to implement and spread information about the circular economy. Alongside research, the Centre carries out educational activities aimed at younger schoolchildren. At the time of writing she was employed by the design agency Transformator as a service designer. Other weather related observational data is also freely available and can be downloaded at the site for open data. These are currently being implemented at different timescales. Several coordination forums currently exist in Sweden where sector agencies and other stakeholders can share experiences and plan key actions. At the SMHI webpage climate scenarios are presented on maps, as diagrams and as downloadable data. The strategy outlines mechanisms for coordination, monitoring, evaluation and review of adaptation to climate change. There is also a guidance (in Swedish) that provides support for interpreting and using climate scenarios. A main target group for the work has been officials and politicians at the local and regional level. To underpin the National Adaptation Strategy with specific actions the Government decided in June 2018 on an ordinance which mandates 32 national authorities and the 21 County Administrative Boards to initiate, support and follow up on adaptation within their area of responsibility, including to develop action plans. Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI is an international nonprofit research organization with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The Ministry of the Environment and Energy has the overall responsibility for coordinating the Governments policy work on climate change including follow up on adaptation through the National Expert Council at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Stockholm now boasts the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the groundbreaking Environmental Humanities Laboratory at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. In the Mölndal project, Swedish researchers are using cellulose from trees to spin textile fibres on an industrial scale under the eye of Pernilla Walkenström, Professor of Textiles at the University of Borås. An overall cost assessment of the geotechnical aspects of the stabilising measures has been conducted in the areas with a high landslide risk. This bioeconomy is crucial not only to Sweden’s economic future, but also to changing the way the world produces and uses its raw materials. For 2018, the budget is increased to SEK 214 million. The programme brings together researchers in the fields of climate science, economics, life sciences and social sciences. Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the international community. SMHI has analysed a number of cases of adaptation action in order to quantify the costs and benefits. Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, is a combined physical and virtual centre at Lund University. The vision is to create a leading interdisciplinary research programme on the relationships between climate, ecosystem services and biodiversity. The Government also distributes assignments related to various measures to sector agencies. I should be back at school on the other side of the ocean," the 16-year-old from Sweden told the United Nations Climate Action Summit. In 2012, SMHI was tasked to form the National Knowledge Centre for Adaptation, to assist municipalities, regions, authorities and other stakeholders in their adaptation efforts. One kilo of cotton can require as much as 20,000 litres of water to grow, often in countries where water is in short supply. Meeting the environmental challenges of the future is not just about protecting landscapes, though, and Sweden is making big strides towards safeguarding the future as well as conserving the past. Sweden was the first country to establish an environmental protection agency, Naturvårdsverket. The funding is administrated by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has a broad environmental profile, combining applied research and development with close collaboration between industry and the public sphere. There is also a discussion between the Nordic portals and the EU portal. This approach focuses on service as much as on the products themselves. examples of how climate change adaptation can be integrated into the daily work. ‘Swedes use three times as much energy as the global average’. In June 2017, Sweden’s Riksdag decided by a large political majority to introduce a climate policy framework with a climate act for Sweden. From the southwest, Atlantic low-pressure winds blow in air warmed by the North Atlantic Current and make the weather mild but changeable. Sweden was one of the first countries to introduce a carbon tax, which has helped reduce depend­ency on fossil fuels. In Sweden the climate is characterised by the changing seasons – with big differences in temperature. Sweden’s renewable share of the total energy consumption is was nearly 55 per cent. The changes to the law also give municipalities the power to place demands on land permeability in the detailed planning rules. We link science, policy and practice, bringing together the decision makers, businesses, research providers and organisations that make climate change adaptation happen. The CABs adopted in 2014 regional action plans on which they report annually to the Government about the actions taken to adapt to climate change. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) is responsible for meeting the meteorological and hydrological requirements arising from all areas of the Swedish economy and society. shoreline protection, infrastructure (roads, railways), how an adaptation plan can be developed and. There is also information explaining the results and how they have been reached. The fight for sustainability is global, and in 2015 the world agreed on 17 sustainable development goals. FORMAS national research programme on climate i one of seven national research programmes. The information presented in these pages is based on the reporting according to the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 525/2013) and updates by the EEA member countries, Europe's vulnerability to climate change impacts occurring outside Europe, Regeringens proposition 2017/18:163 Nationell strategi för klimatanpassning, Sectorial and regional action plans that have been developed by several sector and regional authorities, Sweden facing climate change - threats and opportunities, Basis for the checkpoint-2015 for adapting to a changing climate, 21 regional vulnerability and adaptation assessments, FORMAS national research programme on climate, Klimatanpassningsportalen / Swedish Portal for Climate Change Adaptation, adaptation action plans undertaken in the regions, effects of global sea level rise on Sweden, National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, Sweden facing climate change – threats and opportunities; SOU 2007:60, Climate Change Adaptation in Sweden – an overview, Swedish portal for climate change adaptation, Nordic conference on climate change adaptation, Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, Last reporting on Adaptation (Art. As part of the implementation of the Regulation on adaptation that entered into force in January 2019, a systematic approach to vulnerability assessments is now being developed by SMHI. Behrens belongs to a generation of young people who have made sustainability their professional work. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Such analyses also cover events that will be affected by climate change. Stockholm: Politicians, including Sweden's leaders, are still in denial over the threat from climate change, environmental activist Greta Thunberg said on Tuesday after meeting Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven. The measure affects around half a million people, and is partly financed through green bonds. Swedish universities are now even obliged by law to integrate sustainable development into their curriculum, from literature to finance. It lays the foundation for a medium-term process to progressively identify the effects of climate change, assess the risks, and develop and implement adaptation measures. The municipalities will also give their views on how such risks can diminish or cease. IVL publish an annual Report on the progress of adaptation work in Swedish municipalities (in Swedish). Researchers say the average temperature will likely rise between six and eight degrees Celsius, higher than the predicted two to four global average because Sweden is so close to the pole. Many national authorities have developed, or are in the process of developing, action plans for the sectors for which they are responsible. ‘We’re ready.’. It's a joint project between: Copyright © Sweden still has some way to go, but the innovations being made now show that safeguarding our environment and developing society are part of the same challenge. Several major conferences and seminars on adaptation themes are held in Sweden every year. ‘ Swedes use three times as much energy as the global Cleantech innovation Index and in the planning! 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