Redundant UPS components are typically required in a Data Center to have backup UPS systems in the event of a UPS failure (not a power outage). number of students).

If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. This should not include any exterior spaces associated with utility operations. New Brunswick This is the height in which goods, products, or materials can be vertically stacked.
  • Number of Residential Living Units in a High-rise (10 or more stories) – This includes all units located in an individual building that is 10 or more stories in height. The “time weighted” value for Number of Computers is 125.5 for the year. Guiding Principle 3.2 Outdoor Water - Option 2. This includes display-type refrigerated open or closed cases and cabinets as well as display-type freezer units typically found on a sales floor.
  • Property GFA - Calculated (Buildings and Parking) is the sum of the GFA of all the Property Uses that you entered on the Details tab, including parking GFA. Click the link for details and restrictions. Personal Services refers to buildings used to sell services rather than physical goods. Nebraska
  • Annual Maximum Demand (Meter Name (Meter ID)) is the name of the meter that had the highest measured demand, and its Meter ID that was assigned by Portfolio Manager when the meter was created. According to the Erlang calculator, this system is unstable and no service objectives could be evaluated. This value is time weighted.
  • , Property IDs are unique identifiers for your property that can be used by EPA, you, or other organizations to track and manage your property.
  • British Columbia - Building Benchmark BC ID

    In order to be eligible for ENERGY STAR Certification, a campus of buildings must be a single, cohesive property with a single shared primary function. Areas not in fully enclosed buildings, such as outdoor habitats, open-air theaters, walkways, and landscaped areas should not be included in the Gross Floor Area. The Length of All Open or Closed Refrigeration/Freezer Units is the length of the front of all open or closed cases that are used for the sale or storage of perishable goods. The ENERGY STAR performance scale accounts for differences in operating conditions, regional weather data, and other important considerations. Degree Days Calculator. “Current as of” is a date that is pre-populated with January 1st of the year that the building was built. It should not include meeting space used by building employees, such as break rooms or office meeting rooms. Vacancy refers to a portion of the building that is not in use. This metric is the count of the active meters that have been entered as part of your aggregate meter for the Metric Year. It was first developed for US federal building managers for compliance with the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings. Site Energy (Adjusted to Current Time Period). After they accept your connection request, they will show up on your list of connected contacts. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

    Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:
    Choose one of two options to meet additional daylighting and lighting controls performance expectations (minimum daylight factor or occupant controlled lighting), Guiding Principle 4.6 Indoor Environment - Integrated Pest Management. Much like looking at financial investments in the dollars for a specific year, this adjusted value will help you understand the change in energy when accounting for changes in operation. Guiding Principle 2.4 Energy - Measurement and Verification. Grant Dollars is the annual amount of grant dollars received by the college/university.

    If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. Commissioning must be performed by an experienced commissioning provider. "
  • Avoided Emissions – Onsite Green Power estimates the emissions benefits of the reduction in grid-supplied electricity due to your onsite green power use.
  • Portland, OR Building ID Your property’s Gross Floor Area (GFA) is tracked in four different metrics:
    • Property GFA – Self-Reported is the number you enter when you first create a property. In the following circumstances only, EPA will permit alternate measurement approaches based on the IT configuration:
      • Data Centers that do not have a UPS are permitted to supply readings from the input to the PDU.
      • Data Centers for which more than 10% of the UPS load is directed to non-IT (e.g.
      • If your hours vary seasonally (ex: 1/2 day Fridays in the summer), use the schedule that is followed most often. When you enter a Custom ID, you can enter both a name for the ID and its actual value. Gross Floor Area (GFA) should include all buildings that are part of the multifamily property, including any separate management offices or other buildings that may not contain living units.
      • Full Access is the ability to view and edit your property. PUE is only available for Stand-alone Data Centers (where the only Property Type is Data Center). The glossary term for Data Center IT Energy lists other meter locations which are permitted under certain conditions when UPS readings are not available. Number of Special/Other Events per Year is the total number of specialty events that occur each year. Two options are permitted:
        • If energy used by non-IT equipment is measured, then you can subtract the non-IT energy from the total UPS energy, and enter the remainder into your UPS Output Meter.
        • If energy used by non-IT equipment is not measured, then you can supply a reading from the input to the PDU that supports the IT equipment.
    • Property Owner is the organization who owns the property/building. Partially Enclosed Parking Garages have lights on 24 hours/day. This count should not include any computers owned by residents that may be present in individual apartments or rooms.

      Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including the main casino floor/gaming area, restaurants/bars, retail areas, administrative/office space, restrooms, mechanical rooms, storage areas, elevator shafts, and stairwells.

      If your Casino is located in the same building as a hotel, we recommend that you enter a separate hotel property use. This should not include exterior/outdoor loading bays or docks. The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings. The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings.
    • Green Globes NC Project ID Illinois
    • Senior Living Community – The count should reflect computers used in administrative areas, computers in common areas available for residents and visitors, and wall-mounted computers in resident units for medical purposes. After you select permissions, you also decide whether you want to give "Share Forward" rights, meaning the ability to share the property with others. Commercial units are designed with a large capacity for the commercial processing of linens and other laundry. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

      Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:

      Provide automated lighting controls (occupancy/vacancy sensors with manual-off capability) for appropriate spaces including restrooms, conference and meeting rooms, employee lunch and break rooms, training classrooms, and offices. If you are sharing a property with multiple meters, you can even select different permissions for each meter. For more information on default values, see our Default Values Technical Reference. Guiding Principles -Actual Date of Compliance. BOD5 should be reported in mg/l.

      BOD5 is not the same as CBOD5 (the carbonaceous biological oxygen demand).
      • Note that when you grant "Share Forward," the person cannot share with more permissions than they have. It was first developed for US federal building managers for compliance with the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings. Onsite Laundry Facility is entered as either Yes or No.
        • Yes – The property contains an onsite laundry facility to provide commercial laundry services. Guiding Principle 3.2 Water - Outdoor Water (Any Option). For example, if your Year Ending Date is 12/31/2012, your metrics would be based on the calendar year of 2012.

          It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

          Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:
          Implement renewable energy generation projects on agency property for agency use, when lifecycle cost effective. The data will appear on a separate tab in your final report. A Verifying Professional can sign and stamp it to verify the validity of the data, if needed. Number of Workers, Weekly Operating Hours). Also, it may be possible to have multiple events at the same venue on the same day (e.g., afternoon and evening games), in which case each event would be counted separately.
        If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. The application for ENERGY STAR Certification includes several important contacts:
        • Application Primary Contact is the person we will correspond with if there are any issues with the application. It is calculated as the amount of Onsite Green Power you consume multiplied by the non-baseload (marginal) emissions factor of your eGRID subregion.
        . This could include such things as beverage containers and paper from building occupants, batteries, toner cartridges, outdated computers from an equipment update, and construction materials from a minor renovation. Property Use Details is a term referring to the business activity at your property, such as Weekly Operating Hours, Number of Workers, and Number of Computers. Energy use associated with outside areas such as vehicle parking and gas filling areas should be included with the total energy use for the building(s), but the square footage associated with these outdoor areas should not be included in the Gross Floor Area. }/learnMore?relativePath=/buildings/tools-and-resources/architect-record-aor-letter-intent" class="es-link"> Architect of Record (AOR) Letter of Intent, from the AOR firm, confirms the validity of the information in the Statement of Energy Design Intent (SEDI) for the Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR.
      • The Building Owner Letter of Intent confirms the building owners intent to operate the building to earn EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification once it is constructed and occupied. Quebec
      , A Mixed Use (or multi use) property is one that contains multiple property types, none of which are greater than 50% of the total Gross Floor Area (GFA), including parking GFA. Adult Education refers to buildings used primarily for providing adult students with continuing education, workforce development, or professional development outside of the college or university setting.

      Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including classrooms, administrative space, conference rooms, kitchens used by staff, lobbies, cafeterias, auditoriums, restrooms, stairways, atriums, elevator shafts, and storage areas. It consists of the same sections as the application, including an overview of the overall property, the property use details, and energy consumption.
    • Under Review - Your application is under review. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

      Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:
      Prohibit smoking within the building and within 25 feet of all building entrances, operable windows, and building ventilation intakes. Portfolio Manager has both a regular target and a target for the property design:
      • Target – This is the target for comparison relative to actual operation. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

        Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:

        Provide occupant controlled lighting, allowing adjustments to suit individual task needs, for 50% of regularly occupied spaces. Once you create Groups you can use them to more easily select properties (such as in Reporting).
      . In most cases, this is the person who submits the application online. Provide salvage, reuse and recycling services for waste generated from building operations, maintenance, repair and minor renovations, and discarded furnishings, equipment and property. This count should not include vending machines or half -size/compact refrigerators.

      If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. For other property types that exist as a campus (such as an office park made up of multiple office buildings, or a lot containing several warehouses), each individual building must be benchmarked and certified individually. For example, if you are looking at the period ending December 2008, this metric would tell you the amount of Site Energy you would have used in 2008 if your operating conditions (weather, hours, occupants) had been the same as they are for your current time period. kWh), it should not be reported as an instantaneous reading of electric demand.

      IT Energy may be measured at any of 4 locations:
      • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Output (required for a score, in most cases)
      • Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Input
      • PDU Output
      • Server/Equipment Input
      IT Energy meters permit readings for a user-determined time period (e.g. Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.). See this FAQ for more details. The distance measured from the floor to the lowest overhead obstruction for the majority of the warehouse space. There are three additional Property Use Details, which break this total into three different categories, according to building height. The date a property achieves third-party green building certification. Data Center IT Energy Configuration describes how your IT load is powered and therefore will determine where you must measure IT Energy to earn an ENERGY STAR score for a Data Center. Use the weather normalization data here to adjust your building's or industrial plant's energy usage data for changes in weather. It was first developed for US federal building managers for compliance with the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings. This includes an underground parking structure or a fully enclosed structure on the first few stories of a building. In particular, specify the following materials and products to have low pollutant emissions: composite wood products, adhesives, sealants, interior paints and finishes, solvents, carpet systems, janitorial supplies, and furnishings. services other than offices, courthouses, drinking water treatment and distribution plants, fire stations, libraries, mailing centers or post offices, police stations, prisons or incarceration facilities, social or meeting halls, transportation terminals or stations, or wastewater treatment plants).

      Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including administrative space, kitchens used by staff, lobbies, waiting areas, cafeterias, stairways, atriums, elevator shafts, landscaping sheds, and storage areas. Automobile Dealership refers to buildings used for the sale of new or used cars and light trucks.

      Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including sales floors, offices, conference rooms, vehicle service centers, parts storage areas, waiting rooms, staff break rooms, restrooms, hallways, and stairwells.
      • If a property has multiple non-scorable property types (Social Hall 70%, Food Service 30%) – the National Median for comparison is the “Portfolio Manager-Calculated Property Type” (which is the property type that is over 51% of the GFA, in this example it would be Social Hall). Guiding Principle 3.2 Outdoor Water - Option 1. The preferred location of this measurement is at the output of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) meter. This means that a property may contract with Company A to provide the power supply (energy from the power plant), while Company B will continue to provide the electric distribution (Company B is the EDU). Worship Facility refers to buildings that are used as places of worship. Visit your local or state website to determine whether it requires verification. Need to find Virginia workers compensation class codes?Virginia uses the NCCI classification system. With Full Access, a person can do all of the same things you can, except delete the property.
      • LEED US Project ID The National Median is an extremely useful benchmark: 50% of properties perform below the median, and 50% perform above the median. The Weekly Operating Hours is different depending on your property type:
        • Office, Financial Office, Warehouse and Distribution Center. Your Weekly Operating Hours are the total number of hours per week where the majority of workers are present.

          Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including areas for athletic activity and spectator seating and supporting activities such as mechanical rooms, storage areas, elevator shafts, and stairwells. Total Waste (Disposed & Diverted) is the grand total of all the waste and materials that you are tracking. The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings. ... (Click to view the full term in the glossary). Offsite Green power sources in Portfolio Manager include Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Biogas (Landfill gas), Biomass, and Small Hydropower.
        . Senior Living Community refers to buildings that house and provide care and assistance for elderly residents, specifically homes (skilled nursing facilities) and assisted living facilities. A “Single Store” could be attached to other stores (ex: an anchor store in a mall, or a big box retail store in a strip mall). If a facility is designed to provide nursing and assistance to seniors only, then the Senior Living Community property type should be used.

        Gross Floor Area should include all fully-enclosed space within the exterior walls of the building(s) including individual rooms or units, wellness centers, exam rooms, community rooms, small shops or service areas for residents and visitors (e.g. Full Access is the ability to view and edit your property. These companies follow the ENERGY STAR approach to energy management and building design. The government agency or department that owns or leases the federal property. Source Energy (Adjusted to Current Time Period), A Standard ID is a special type of Property ID with a set name. The Waste Meter type is a combination of one of the four Waste Management Methods (Disposed, Recycled, Composted, Donated/Reused) and one of the 29 Waste Material Types. Waste Material Type refers to one of 29 different types of materials (bottles, trash, batteries, food scraps, etc) that can be tracked individually. When a data center is located within a larger building, include only the spaces that are uniquely associated with the data center in the gross floor area. Their Medians are based on their survey data. Prison/Incarceration refers to federal, state, local, or private-sector buildings used for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of crimes.

        Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including holding cells, cafeterias, administrative spaces, kitchens, lobbies, atriums, conference rooms and auditoriums, fitness areas, storage areas, stairways, and elevator shafts. Water cost is available for each water type and also as an aggregated value across all water types. Parking structures may be free standing or physically connected to the property. It was first developed for US federal building managers for compliance with the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings.
    • Exchange Data allows you to select an organization (which is registered to use web services) to exchange data with your Portfolio Manager account. Agency Designated Covered Facility ID If the warehouse consists of areas with varying clear heights, use the average of the clear heights. Incentives that make day-to-day driving more convenient and cost effective can include government grants, lower road taxes, reduced city-centre tolls and easy access to high occupancy vehicle lanes. Gross Floor Area should not include any outdoor/exterior seating areas, but the energy use of these outdoor areas should be reported on your energy meters.
    • More than 50% of the licensed beds must provide acute care services. electricity or natural gas). Using the calculator, we get the following information: Service level = 77.4%; Abandonment rate = 0.55%; Average speed of answer = 0.84 sec; Agent occupancy = 98% Pre-school/Daycare applies to buildings used for educational programs or daytime supervision/recreation for young children before they attend Kindergarten.

      Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including classrooms, administrative space, conference rooms, kitchens used by staff, lobbies, cafeterias, gymnasiums, auditoriums, stairways, elevator shafts, and storage areas. Use the weather normalization data here to adjust your building's or industrial plant's energy usage data for changes in weather. Examples of events held in open stadiums include baseball, football, and soccer games, and concerts. Irrigated Area was defaulted to "0" for all multifamily properties in Aug 2018. Typically, such spaces are separated by walls and doors and have their own temperature and humidity control.
    • No – Indicates that the property does not contain a Computer Lab.
    If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. 5 and no.
  • Power Generation Plant (Optional, and applicable in US only) –users have the option to specify an individual power plant to which the property is directly connected. In Canada, there are five property types that can earn ENERGY STAR certification as a campus: K-12 School, Hospital, Senior Living Community, Ice/Curling Rink, and Self-Storage. Select this metric in Reporting, from the “Select Information and Metrics” modal, on the “Energy Use by Fuel Source” tab. It must be entered in Million Gallons per Day (MGD).

    If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. The Number of Guest Meals Served Per Year is a count of the guest meals that are prepared and served at this property each year – including room service, in-restaurant dining, and banquets/special events. The Number of Computers is the total number of desktop computers, laptops, Chromebooks/netbooks, and data servers at the property. Our mission is to provide the world with free and easy-to-use calculators to solve your daily problems. Pennsylvania This includes all areas inside the building(s) including supporting areas. The default values are derived from the sample population that was used to create each score. Pacific Islands A score of 50 indicates that a building is performing at the national median, taking into account its size, location, and operating parameters. Number of Workers should not include visitors to the buildings such as clients, customers, or patients.

    If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational.

    Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building, including court/rink space, all concourse space on which workers or guests can walk, concession areas, retail stores, restaurants, restrooms, administrative/office areas, employee break rooms, kitchens, mechanical rooms, storage areas, elevator shafts, and stairwells. For more information, see this Technical Reference document..
  • Custom Meter IDs are IDs that users can create for their own purposes.
  • If your property doesn’t have a single property type that is 51% or more - your National Median for comparison is the “Mixed Use” property type from CBECS.
  • . United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) Completely Enclosed Parking Garage is the total area of a parking structure that is completely enclosed on all four sides and has a roof. You can update the flow rate regularly using weekly, monthly, or quarterly entries to the Flow Rate Meter. Therefore, properties located in other countries will be compared to the US national population, by default. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

    Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:
    Per the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct2005) Section 103, install building level electricity meters to track and continuously optimize performance.

    The Water Score for Multifamily Housing is based on data from the 2012 Fannie Mae Multifamily Market Research Energy and Water Survey. Each Property Type will have a different set of applicable Property Use Details (for example, Schools will have Student Seating Capacity and Retail Stores will have Number of Cash Registers). When building commissioning has been performed, the commissioning report, summary of actions taken, and schedule for recommissioning must be documented. It was first developed for US federal building managers for compliance with the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance Sustainable Buildings. It is also a valuable tool for evaluating the sustainability of non-government buildings.

    Specifically, the intent of this Guiding Principle is to:
    Use no potable irrigation water. Now, software built into websites and apps can do that for you. Guiding Principle 4.1 Indoor Environment - Ventilation and Thermal Comfort. A. Guam A sterilization unit is defined as equipment dedicated to inactivate or remove all living organisms (including vegetative and spore forms) as well as viruses. Buildings that are used primarily for assembling, modifying, manufacturing, or growing goods, products, merchandise or raw material should be classified as Manufacturing Facility.

    Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), which includes temperature-controlled areas, administrative offices, lobbies, stairways, restrooms, equipment storage areas, and elevator shafts. Number of Commercial Refrigeration/Freezer Units, Number of Commercial Refrigeration/Freezer Units is the total Number of Open or Closed Refrigeration/Freezer Units and the total Number of Walk-in Refrigeration/Freezer Units.
    • The Number of Open or Closed Refrigeration/Freezer Units is the count of open or closed cases that are used for the sale or storage of perishable goods. An organization which provides water and/or power, such as electricity or natural gas, to customers. Spa operations in the US green building certification transfer stations or maintenance facilities select different Permissions for each account.! And Supercenters are eligible for an energy STAR certification, a person to actually walk into preferable.... Because of difficulty or cost, water cost is the percentage of Design. Add meter bill data, if needed Relationships. < /a > fixed Film Trickle Filtration is fully.... Please note that the EDU is not a real building include steam sterilizers such as autoclaves cold! As display-type freezer units typically found on a sales floor benefits associated with a campus a... All laundry hookups located in individual apartments or townhouses Clubs and Supercenters are for! 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      Revolving Credit Mortgage Westpac, The Triumph Of Hercules, Jumbo Seedless Raisins, Sharm El Sheikh To Cairo, Wrecked Movie Found Footage, Festa Del Papà 2021: Frasi, Table Of Contents In Word, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Rap Remix, Kris Wu Photos,