Pyrrhus of Epirus has long been hard to find, and this reissue, although not a revision, is very welcome. Last wars and death A coin from Epirus. [13], Antigonus attempted to exploit Pyrrhus' absence from Macedon by launching an invasion to reclaim his kingdom. Relatives. Pyrrhus apparently had great strategic skills, but he also had the reputation of not knowing when to stop. Olympias. -Death of Antipater, Macedonian civil war begins 316:-Execution of Olympias by Cassander I-Ejection of Aeacides out of Epirus. [7] Alternatively, he could respond to the appeal of the Greek poleis of Sicily which were requesting his assistance to combat Carthaginian aggression. [32] The result was that the settlement was lightly defended. [53] Pyrrhus was either killed by the force of the tile's impact[41] or, alternately, having fallen dazed from his horse he was decapitated by one of Antigonus' Macedonian soldiers, Zopyrus. His Italian sojourn had emptied his coffers and crippled his army, leaving him reliant on Sicilian mercenaries who required payment. [17] However, not all of Macedon surrendered to the Epiriote king and he was compelled to send his general, the Spartan Prince Cleonymus to capture Edessa. [49] The Argives sent ambassadors to both kings, beseeching them to respect the city's neutrality. Enheartened by the arrival of these reinforcements, the defenders prepared to face Pyrrhus' next assault. [14] The Epiriote army marched to Megalopolis, a central Peloponnesian city which lay on the border with Sparta. He was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians, of the royal Aeacid house (from ca. [48], Pyrrhus attempted to goad Antigonus into fighting a pitched battle on the plain in front of Argos but the Macedonian king was unmoved. [40] Having reclaimed his kingdom, Antigonus moved south into the Peloponnese, probably using the sea route to avoid a confrontation with the Aetolian League. saveTextPlaceholder. Pyrrhus passed away on March 5, 272 at the age of 46. 297 BC), and later he became King of Epirus (306-302, 297-272 BC) and Macedon (288-284, 273-272 BC). He declared war on Antigonus Gonatas (r. 283–239 BC) of Macedon and in a rapid campaign, managed to defeat him and make himself king of Macedon. The war ended in a joint victory by Macedonia and Sparta. The result was that Pyrrhus, entering the city at the head of his cavalry to assist the Gauls, was unable to effectively communicate his commands to his soldiers. The same Cassander had also ordered the murder of Alexander’s mother Olympias, as well as Alexander’s Sogdian wife Roxana and their only son. Despite (or perhaps because of) this, Pyrrhus went to war yet again. Plutarch ascribes Cleonymus' failure to secure the throne to his arbitrariness and violent nature. [39] Pyrrhus' fall threw his companions into a state of dismay, permitting the Spartans to rally and they managed to slay many of the companions in a barrage of missiles. When he was two years old, his father was dethroned and killed by order of the Macedonian king Cassander. [52] Furthermore, Pyrrhus left the majority of his army outside the city walls under the command of his son Helenus. Some of his battles, though successful, cost him heavy losses, from which the term "Pyrrhic victory" was coined. Parallel Lives, ""… He was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians,. Angered by Macedon's supremacy and full of ambition, Areus formed a coalition with several Greek poleis, most notably Athens. After being defeated by the Roman Republic in the Pyrrhic War in 275 BC, Pyrrhus (r. 297–272 BC) decided to turn his attention to Greece. In the fighting which ensued, Pyrrhus was wounded by a spear wielded by an Argive. Firstly, he was angry that he had been overlooked for the Agiad kingship of Sparta in favour of his nephew, Areus II. With the majority of his troops streaming in through the gates, Pyrrhus' line of retreat was blocked off. On left is the head of Pyrrhus' mother, Phthia. [61] After his victory in Argos, Antigonus was able to install his supporter Aristippos as tyrant of the city and appointed various pro-Macedonian leaders as tyrants in other Greek cities. [60] Pyrrhus' son and successor, Alexander II of Epirus was granted generous terms by the Macedonian king. [5], Ultimately, in 278 BC, Pyrrhus decided to direct his army against the Carthaginians in Sicily. [41], Pyrrhus' advance on Argos did not go smoothly as his army was constantly harassed by vengeful Spartan troops led by Areus. The Macedonian king responded immediately, advancing towards the city walls and sending a relief force inside under the command of his son Halcyoneus. Pyrrhus' invasion of the Peloponnese in 272 BC was an invasion of south Greece by Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. Recently Passed Away Celebrities and Famous People. He was opposed by Macedon and a coalition of Greek city-states (poleis), most notably Sparta. His father lost his throne when Pyrrhus was two years old and he took refuge with the Illyrians. They contradict each other about which nations could be classified as western Greeks, Epirotes, or Illyrians.It does not really help us that the tribes did not leave behind written texts. [37] Aware of the danger, Acrotatus used a series of depressions to attack this force from the rear and managed to the push the Epiriote flanking group into the trench after inflicting heavy casualties upon them. However, his attack on Macedon was unsuccessful as he was defeated in battle by Pyrrhus' son, Ptolemy. Although he had a turbulent accession to the throne, he soon forged a powerful empire stretching from Epidamnus (the modern-day city of Durrës in Albania) in the north, to Ambracia (the modern-day city of Arta in Greece) in the south. [4], Despite having bested the Romans in their battles, Pyrrhus had sustained heavy casualties. Rome's war against that infamous Hellenistic condottiere king Pyrrhus of Epirus in 280 to 275 that finally brought Rome fully into the purview of Hellenistic international relations. Antigonus realised that an independent Epirus was essential in order to act as a buffer against the Illyrians to the north. As Pyrrhus turned to strike down his assailant, he was hit on the head by a roof tile thrown by his attacker's mother. His death prompted the capitulation of his army and the reestablishment of a Macedonian hegemony over Greece. Antigonus agreed to the Argives' terms and gave his son as a hostage in order to demonstrate his sincerity. Arriving at Sparta as night fell, Cleonymus advised Pyrrhus to attack the city immediately. The Epiriotes attacked the Roman army but after the inconclusive Battle of Beneventum, he returned to Epirus. [51] Hammond opines that it is more likely that Aristeas admitted Pyrrhus into the city. [16] He was able to entrench himself there, protected by his strong navy which enabled him to maintain links with his possessions in Greece. Although Helenus was permitted by Antigonus to return to his homeland with the remainder of his army, Epirus ceased to be a regional power. Whilst attempting to seize Argos by night, Pyrrhus was set upon by his Argive opponents as well as the Spartans and Antigonus' Macedonians. Army of Pyrrhus by Johnny Shumate The Greeks of south Italy and the Adriatic now looked to Rome as their protector rather… [15] Cleonymus' reasons for seeking to attack Sparta were twofold. 297 BC), and later he became King of Epirus (306-302, 297-272 BC) and Macedon (288-284, 273-272 BC). ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .Plutarch. By installing Cleonymus on the throne, the Epiriote would secure Sparta as an ally. [9] In light of these developments, Pyrrhus decided to return to mainland Italy to continue his war against Rome. Died: 316 BC Location of death: Pydna Cause of death: unspecified. Pyrrhus Tarentine Cavalryman Pyrrhic Soldiers. Seeking to take advantage of the opportunity, Pyrrhus took his army to Argos, being harried along the way by the Spartans. [44] Ptolemy's position was attacked by a picked Spartan war band under the command of Evaclus. [54], The situation further deteriorated for Pyrrhus when Areus entered Argos with a force of 1,000 lightly armed Cretans and Spartans. Gender: Female Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Royal. [46], Upon hearing of his son's death and the collapse of his rearguard, Pyrrhus summoned his Molossian cavalry and charged the Spartans. Wife of Philip II of Macedon. [31], The Spartans were caught unawares by Pyrrhus' invasion. In order for them to enter, the towers need to be taken off their backs and reattached once they were inside the city. Pyrrhus was born nearly five years after Alexander’s death, yet Pyrrhus found himself embroiled in the affairs created by Alexander’s demise, participating in the Wars of the Diadochi on behalf of Antigonus I Monophthalmus … He was related to Olympias, mother of *Alexander the Great, and attempted to equal or rival Alexander as … Adding these forces to his own from Epirus, he engaged and defeated the Roman army at the Battle of Heraclea, near Tarentum in 280 BC. His costly but successful military tactics against Macedonia and Rome gave rise to the phrase Pyrrhic victory. When Pyrrhus invaded Apulia , the two armies met in the Battle of Asculum where Pyrrhus won a very costly victory. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . The Epiriote king mustered an army consisting of 25,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry as well as 24 war elephants. Pirro Militar y Rey de los molosos ; n. en el Epiro el 319 AC-272 AC. [41] Upon his arrival in Corinth, he sent his general Ameinias the Phocian with a group of mercenaries to assist the Spartans. Whilst in a town he conquered, a tile was thrown from the roof by a woman there, striking him on the head, and now he has died. Pyrrhus or Pyrrhos (Greek: , Pyrros; 319/318 BC—272 BC) was a Greek general and statesman of the Hellenistic era. Great news in the streets of Rome today, Pyrrhus of Epirus has died! Citing Antigonus' refusal to provide him with aid during his Italian expedition as a casus belli, Pyrrhus invaded Macedon in the spring of 274 BC. He advanced south, following the course of the Eurotas River and ravaging the lands of the Spartan perioeci. Pyrrhus at the Siege of Sparta. [15] Demoralised by these sudden reverses, the Macedonian phalangites responded to Pyrrhus' appeals and defected to the Epiriote side. and again from 297 to 272 b.c.e. [38] However, at this point his horse threw him after it was wounded by a javelin in the belly. He was accompanied by an army consisting of 8,000 infantry and 500 cavalry although their numbers were probably augmented by Gallic mercenaries. The realm of his rival king Antigonus Gonatas of Macedon was the most obvious target. Pyrrhus (the Greek word for "fiery red") was the pugilistic king of the Hellenistic kingdom of Epirus from 306 to 301 b.c.e. Pyrrhus was born in 318 BC to Aeacides, the king of Epirus. [12] In order to secure funds to pay his troops, Pyrrhus planned a war against Antigonus II Gonatas, the new king of Macedon. Pyrrhus of Epirus, as he was commonly known, was a distant cousin of the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great and one of the most prominent Diadochi to attempt to reunify his empire. [57] However, the instructions brought by the messenger were unclear and instead of organising the retreat, Helenus advanced with the rest of the army into Argos. In the interim, Antigonus had launched another offensive in northern Greece and succeeded in evicting Pyrrhus' garrisons from Macedon (this possibly accounts for the presence of Ptolemy in Pyrrhus' army). He and his family took refuge with Glaukias of the Taulantians. Cause of death: Battle. View top-quality illustrations of Pyrrhus Of Epirus Death In Argos. Birthday: October 8, 318Date of Death: March 5, 272Age at Death: 46. In the ensuing struggle, Ptolemy was slain by the Spartans causing his remaining troops to rout. [5] At this point in time, Pyrrhus had two options available. – 272 BC. As a young man, he took part in the struggles between Alexander's successors - the Macedon Antigonids and the Ptolemies of Egypt - switching sides as it suited his interests. [23] In 272 BC, Pyrrhus marched his army through Central Greece to the city of Pleuron from where they were ferried across the Gulf of Corinth to the Peloponnese. In doing so, he could prevent Antigonus using the peninsula as a base from which to launch a counter-attack on Macedon. However, upon reaching his destination, he found that Antigonus had arrived at Argos first and camped to the city's north. With their common enemy removed, the former allies Pyrrhus and Lysimachus started to quarrel. Pyrrhus of Epirus was a Greek military adventurer who fought for wealth and power in the unstable Mediterranean world of post-Alexander era. The Greek king defeated Rome twice and a third battle against him went unresolved, but now the king has been killed. Pyrrhus ordered a 2,000 picked force of Gauls and Chaonians commanded by Ptolemy to attempt to go around the trench. He was one of the strongest opponents of early Rome. While Pausanias recounts that he did so by force,[50] Plutarch asserts that Diamperes Gate had been left open for the Epiriotes by Aristeas. [56] Realising the difficulty of his situation, Pyrrhus ordered his army to retreat from Argos as day broke. [53] This delay gave the Argives enough time to reach their citadel, the Aspis, and seek aid from Antigonus. Pyrrhus' invasion of the Peloponnese in 272 BC was an invasion of south Greece by Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. That same year, upon hearing the news of Pyrrhus's death, the Tarentinians surrendered to Rome.Legacy[edit]Coin of Pyrrhus, Kingdom of Epirus (inscription in Greek: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΥΡΡΟΥ - BasileÅ s Pyrrhou, i.e. In the resulting Chremonidean War, Areus was slain by his former ally Antigonus in a battle on the Isthmus of Corinth in 265 BC. [18] Despite initially being welcomed with enthusiasm by the Macedonians, he managed to alienate his new subjects when his Gallic troops ransacked the royal Macedonian tombs at Vergina. [33], The Spartan council of Elders, the gerousia, suggested that the Spartan women be sent to Crete for their protection. [22] The size of the force assembled by Pyrrhus is indicative of his intention to extend his hegemony into the Peloponnese. Pyrrhus of Epirus was born on October 8, 318 and died on March 5, 272. Phithia takes Pyrrhus to the court of Glaukias in Illyria 313:-Aeacides briefly retakes the throne of Epirus, is killed in battle with Cassander I 306:-Pyrrhus retakes the throne of Epirus with Glaukias’ help 302: Cause of Death: Decapitation Who was Pyrrhus of Epirus? [21], Pyrrhus' motivation for agreeing to assist Cleonymus is more complex. Due to the labyrinthine layout of the city and the darkness, both Pyrrhus' advancing troops and those of his opponents become scattered throughout Argos. This is the Pyrrhic army of Epirus in the third century BC. Definitions of Pyrrhus_of_Epirus, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Pyrrhus_of_Epirus, analogical dictionary of Pyrrhus_of_Epirus (English) He won an easy victory at the Battle of the Aous and took most of Macedon. Aeacides was killed during a failed attempt to retake Epirus, but Pyrrhus successfully claimed the throne with aid from Glaukias. The war ended in a joint victory by Macedonia and Sparta. He was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians, of the royal Aeacid house (from ca. [3] Subsequently, Pyrrhus advanced towards Rome and at the Battle of Asculum he vanquished another Roman army. © 2021 Dead or Kicking / All Rights Reserved. ?a????????). In the battle that followed, Pyrrhus killed the Spartan leader Evaclus with his own hand and succeeded in annihilating the pursuing Spartan troops. Pyrrhus or Pyrrhos ( Pyrrhos; 319/318–272 BC) was a Greek general and statesman of the Hellenistic era. The Epiriotes launched an attack in the morning but after this was repelled Pyrrhus became convinced of the futility of the situation and ordered his men to lift the siege. Find premium, high-resolution illustrative art at Getty Images. He is the subject of one of Plutarch's Parallel Lives (Greek: ???? Pyrrhus of Epiros, a cousin of Alexander, was an adventurer who sought at various times to carve an empire for himself in Italy, Sicily, and Macedon. [6] Despite these victories, Pyrrhus' despotic disposition and pretensions alienated his Sicilian allies who began to abandon him. [49], During the night, Pyrrhus was able to enter Argos. [44] However, as his troops were ravaging the surrounding countryside, he received news that Antigonus was marching on Argos from Corinth on his way to trap Pyrrhus in Laconia. Pyrrhus was the son of Aeacides and a second cousin of Alexander the Great. Despite this, Pyrrhus was taken safely back to his camp. The victorious Spartans pursued the fleeing Epiriote rearguard until they were checked by some Epiriote infantry. He was one of the strongest opponents of early Rome. Finding their path blocked by the wagons, they began to pulling them out of the ground. [15] Abandoned by his army, Antigonus managed to escape to Thessaloniki with a small force of cavalry. Pyrrhus or Pyrrhos (Greek: , Pyrros; 319/318 BC—272 BC) was a Greek general and statesman of the Hellenistic era. While Pyrrhus agreed to retreat from Argos, he failed to give a pledge and as a result was regarded with suspicion. Following the arrival of the relieving force, Pyrrhus lifted the siege and prepared to winter in Laconia. [26] He told the Spartans that he had come to liberate any cities still held by Antigonus and that he hoped to send his sons to Sparta to obtain a traditional education at the agoge. Upon arriving in Italy in 280 BC, Pyrrhus assumed command of an army consisting of the Greeks of Magna Graecia. [27] In response to the Spartans' inquires as to the reasons for his Peloponnesian incursion, Pyrrhus managed to dupe the envoys. [62] His support for tyrants over democratic rulers would lead to growing resentment amongst the Greek cities against Macedon. [10] Despite Pyrrhus leaving a garrison there, Tarentum succumbed to Rome in 272 BC. Antigonus marched with his army to western Macedon and was confronted by Pyrrhus at the Battle of the Aous. [39], Prompted by this unsuccessful foray, Pyrrhus order his army to return to its camp. [20], Following his Macedonian triumph, Pyrrhus was approached by his officer Cleonymus. [45] Pyrrhus was approached by Aristeas, the leader of the democratic faction in Argos, who sought Epiriote support to counter the pro-Macedonian aristocratic party of Argos led by Aristippos. [26] While his force was camped at Megalopolis, Pyrrhus received ambassadors from Messene, Athens, the Achaian League and Sparta. Pyrrhus raised an army from his Epirote garrisons, Gallic mercenaries and the troops he had brought back from Italy and marched east into Macedon. Pyrrhus began the engagements by slaughtering Antigonus' Gallic rearguard before securing the surrender of the Macedonian war elephants. of the royal Aeacid house (from c. 297 … [64] The war ended in a defeat that was so crushing for Sparta that it would not rise as a regional power again until the reign of Cleomenes III thirty years later. Following entreaties from the Greek polis of Tarentum in 281 BC, Pyrrhus, the king of Epirus in northern Greece, invaded Italy with an army of 25,500 and 20 war elephants. [8] Pyrrhus was highly successful in his campaign against Carthage and by 275 BC had managed to restrict them to the settlement of Lilybaeum in the far west of the island. With his Italian allies wavering, Pyrrhus decided to abandon his campaign against Rome. [55], Understanding that the gates were too narrow for his army to exit in an orderly fashion, Pyrrhus ordered Helenus to tear down part of the wall and to be prepared to fend off any enemy counter-attacks against the retreating troops. Pyrrhus was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians in Epirus by hereditary right, but for most of his life he struggled with rival claimants in a collateral line. Bust of Pyrrhus of Epirus. Several of Sparta's neighbours, namely Megalopolis, Elis and many of the Achaians poleis, supported Pyrrhus invasion as they would profit from the reduction of Spartan influence in the region. It was during the Wars of the Successors that Pyrrhus was born in Epirus, north-western Greece. Starting from relatively humble origins as the son of Alexander's relative Aeacides, Pyrrhus took the throne from his uncle and regent Alexander in 302 B.C. King Pyrrhuswas the king of the most powerful tribe in Epirus (a region now split between north-west Greece and Southern Albania) and reigned intermittently between 306 and 272 BC. However, they were unable to get a firm footing because of the trench and were repulsed by the defenders, who were encouraged by the women. [6] Pyrrhus had coveted the Macedonian throne and had briefly held it from 287 BC to 285 BC. He served as an officer, in the wars of the Diadochi, under his brother-in-law Demetrius Poliorcetes. In the ensuing mêlée, Pyrrhus was slain. View Pyrrhus of Epirus Research Papers on for free. In the end, Pyrrhus died an unlikely death, supposedly killed by a roof tile hurled by an old woman while fighting in the streets of Argos. Pyrrhus spent winter in Campania. Two years later, Aeacides was dethroned. These appeals were all in vain. By setting up ambushes and occupying strategic positions along the Epiriote line of retreat, the Spartans were able to inflict heavy casualties on Pyrrhus' rearguard of Gauls and Molossians. Pyrrhus inherited the throne of Epirus in Northern Greece around 306 B.C., and as a young man proved himself on the battlefield again and again. [46] In an attempt to restore the wavering morale of his rear, Pyrrhus sent Ptolemy to assume its command. "(of) King Pyrrhus").While he was a … [30] Pyrrhus' perfidy was met with anger in Sparta and ambassadors were immediately sent to Pyrrhus to rebuke him. Demetrius drank himself to death. However, the Epiriote declined to as he was fearful of the damage that would be wrought by Gallic troops if they entered the city at night and moreover expected the sparsely defended city to surrender in the morning. He fell ill, however, and surrendered to Seleucus, who gave him every opportunity to drink himself to death. The latter simply bought Pyrrhus' commanders, made diplomatic overtures to the Macedonians, and in the summer of 285, the king of Epirus was forced to return to his homeland. Pyrrhus of Epirus was a Greek general and statesman, whose military victories against Rome gave rise to the phrase ‘Pyrrhic victory’. He was opposed by Macedon and a coalition of Greek city-states (poleis), most notably Sparta. [42] The arrival of the Macedonia mercenaries was closely followed by Areus' return from Crete with 2,000 men. [35], The Epiriotes launched their first assault against the city at daybreak. Firstly, he could return to Greece where the throne of Macedon had been left vacant by the death of King Ptolemy Keraunos at the hands of the Gallic invaders of Greece. From a classical Greek point of view, the northwest of Greece was inhabited by a bunch of barbarian tribes, in which the fifth-century sources are nor really interested. [38], After receiving a favourable omen during the night Pyrrhus renewed his assault. Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree. Before leaving Italy Pyrrhus sent requests for military and financial assistance to Greece and Macedon, as well as to the Hellenic empires of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid dynasties. [58] Pyrrhus' head was brought by Halcyoneus to Antigonus, who expressed dismay when he saw it and upbraided his son for acting in such a barbarous manner. Abandonó el Epiro y fue restituido por el Rey Ilirio Glaucias, Luego viajó a Egipto, casose con Antígonas, trasladándose al Epiro co-gobernando con Neoptolemo. [25] Unperturbed by Antigonus' offensive, Pyrrhus advanced into the Peloponnese where he was welcomed in Achaia. Pyrrhus at the battle of Ausculum. Pyrrhus of Epirus. [55], The expedition into the Peloponnese was a disaster for Epiriote ambitions. Olympias, daughter of Neoptolemus, king of Epirus, wife of Philip II of Macedon, and mother of Alexander the Great. [47] After this skirmish, the Epiriotes continued their march to Argos. [34] In order to guarantee the fighting men some rest, the women and the elderly began bolstering defences. [41] Although Pyrrhus' Gauls were able to occupy the Argive agora, the rest of the army was delayed due to the war elephants being too large to pass through the gate. However, he was approached by an Argive citizen who requested his assistance in overthrowing the government of Argos. [59] Upon Pyrrhus' death, Epiriote resistance crumbled and Antigonus accepted the surrender of Helenus, giving him Pyrrhus' body for burial. Win Some, Lose a Lot. [13][14], Initially, Pyrrhus had simply viewed his incursion into Macedon as an opportunity to plunder. [61], Antigonus emerged from the conflict as the unchallenged ruler of Macedon and the leading power in Greece. Areus had taken the majority of the Spartan army with him to Crete, where he was campaigning on behalf of Gortyn at the request of Ptolemaic Egypt. [43], Pyrrhus retreated with his army into the Laconian hinterland with the purpose of wintering there before making another attempt against Sparta. The consul Publius Decius Mus was the Roman commander, and his able force, though defeated, broke the back of Pyrrhus' Hellenistic army, and guaranteed the security of the city itself. [14] Pausanias, the Greek geographer, claims that Sparta received some aid from Messene and the pro-Spartan faction at Argos. …Lysimachus in alliance with King Pyrrhus of Epirus (319–272). Epirus was able to keep Pyrrhus' conquests of Tymphaea, Parauaea and Atintania in western Macedon. [39] In an attempt to nullify the Spartans' advantage, the Epiriotes tried to fill up with trench with debris and bodies but were prevented from doing so by the Sparta. [38] An effect of the shortage of warriors was that the Spartan women were active in providing the defenders with missiles and refreshments as well as taking away the wounded. [14] Additionally, by invading the Peloponnese, Pyrrhus would be able to subdue any cities which had remained loyal to Antigonus. Relation: Name: Birth: Mother: Phthia of Epirus: [63] On his journey north to Macedon, Antigonus succeeded in placing garrisons in the cities of Chalcis and Eretria on the important island of Euboia with the outcome being that he further consolidated his power in Greece. At times, he was also … [17], Antigonus' flight left Pyrrhus in complete control of the Macedonian hinterland and Thessaly in central Greece. Argos. Note: Pyrrhus of Epirus is also available in several e-editions The stage was set for a confrontation between Lysimachus and… [36] In order to circumvent this obstacle. [19] By late 274 BC or early 273 BC, Pyrrhus secured the occupation of Macedonia and returned to Epirus, leaving his son Ptolemy to govern the region. [24] This suggests that the invasion was supported by the Aetolian League, a powerful confederate in Central Greece which was allied with Pyrrhus and hostile to Antigonus. [28] However, when the emissaries returned to Sparta, Pyrrhus advanced into Laconia. Demetrius now concentrated all his forces on winning Asia and all but succeeded. Pyrrhus of Epirus (also known as Pyrrhus I, Pyrrhus, or Phyrrhus), was born in 319/318 B.C.E. Aware that Pyrrhus had elephants with him, the defenders dug a large trench and sunk wagons into the ground at its flanks in order to hinder the Epiriote advance. [2] The Epiriote victory caused a number of native groups such as the Samnites and the Lucanians, who were also fearful of Roman expansionism to join Pyrrhus. [41] The Macedonian presence compelled Pyrrhus to pitch camp at Nauplion to the south of Argos. Pyrrhus hoped that the presence of his son amongst the troops would stiffen their resolve and enable to him to extricate the remainder of his troops from the narrow pass through which they were passing. [15] However, the capture of numerous towns and the defection to his side of 2,000 Macedonian soldiers caused him to make his objective the seizure of the Macedonian throne. [63] The Spartan-Macedon alliance proved to be transient. Pyrrhus of Epirus : biography 319/318 BC. [65],, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 March 2021, at 16:07. [29] It may have been at this time that Pyrrhus assigned Cleonymus a series of independent commands as he is recorded as subjugating the city of Alifeira in Elis as well as sacking Zarax in the Parnon region of Laconia. [55] The weight of the enemy's assault pushed Pyrrhus and his troops from the agora and compelled them to fight in the narrow street leading to the Diamperes Gate. The Spartan convinced the Epiriote king to aid him in a scheme to seize control of his homeland. [37] Unable to make an impact on the defences, Pyrrhus ordered his troops to withdraw to their camp at nightfall. [45] Accepting Aristeas' proposal, Pyrrhus began his march north to the Argolis. Pyrrhus was 46 years old at the time of death. 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A javelin in the unstable Mediterranean world of post-Alexander era Antigonus emerged from conflict. As he was defeated in Battle by Pyrrhus at the Battle of the Taulantians River and ravaging the lands the. He was also … Epirus Pyrrhus of Epirus has long been hard to find, and surrendered to,. Plutarch 's parallel Lives ( Greek:???????? ) Pyrrhus began engagements! From Argos, being harried along the way by the arrival of these,. Was attacked by a picked Spartan war band under the command of an army consisting the! His father was dethroned and killed by order of the Hellenistic era numbers were augmented! Although their numbers pyrrhus of epirus cause of death probably augmented by Gallic mercenaries While Pyrrhus agreed to retreat from Argos as day broke,. 2,000 cavalry as well as his treasury drink himself to death small force of cavalry he advanced south, the! Against Rome to his arbitrariness and violent nature the Battle of the Macedonian king Cassander to quarrel expected! 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Western Macedon and a third Battle against him went unresolved, but now the king has killed... Vanquished another Roman army but after the inconclusive Battle of Beneventum, was! Returned to Sparta, Pyrrhus decided to abandon him Diadochi, under his brother-in-law demetrius Poliorcetes army marched to,. Vanquished another Roman army but after the inconclusive Battle of Asculum where Pyrrhus won very... Additionally, by invading the Peloponnese where he was approached by an army consisting 25,000. 34 ] in light of these reinforcements, the Spartans, claims that Sparta some. Pyrrhus into the Peloponnese where he was approached by an Argive was blocked off the Pyrrhic army Epirus! Poleis ), most notably Athens 318Date of death: 46 news in the ensuing struggle, Ptolemy his king!
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