Officially, Popes were not allowed to marry and father heirs. His feast day is on 12 April.[1]. Pope Julius II was head of the Roman Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 1503 to his death in 1513. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Julius II, original name Giuliano della Rovere, (born Dec. 5, 1443, Albisola, Republic of Genoa—died Feb. 21, 1513, Rome), greatest art patron of the papal line (reigned 1503–13) and … Julius’ mansion was full of statues and frescos of boys having sex with each other, as the pope flaunted his passion for molesting children. The dogma of the Real Presence of Pharaoh was an import from Alexandria. THE 12 (XII) POPES NAMED PIUS. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope Julius III (Latin: Iulius PP. In 1511, monk Martin Luther visited Roma. His uncle had enough money to fund his way up the Catholic ranks and, eventually, became Pope Sixtus IV in 1471. Immediately after taking office, Julius was involved with the Arian controversy. Julius built several basilicas and churches. Officially, Popes were not allowed to marry and father heirs. Subsequently, a long dynasty of "Holy Roman" Emperors were crowned at Roma, but none of them were ever allowed to reign in the imperial city. Nobody can accuse Pope Julius II of serving the "Prince of Peace" because he was a typical Roman and a man of war from his youth. He was appointed by Emperor Jesus Constantine just before he joined Emperor Nero in Hades! At the Council of Jerusalem or Apostolic Council, held around 50 AD, all the apostles were in attendance, including Saints Peter and Paul. Pope Julius I was the bishop of Rome from 6 February 337 to his death on 12 April 352. However, Popes had nuns in, attendance upon them, and the male children of Popes were called. Up to the time of Pope John II in 533, Popes kept their birth names. December 25 was the biggest day of the year for the Egyptians, and it was also the birthday of Apollyon. [8][9], The actual date of Jesus's birth is unknown. The "actress" that replaced "Bloody Mary" Tudor was a completely different person from the real daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The Cult of St. George in Medieval England. Random House, New York, 2009. He was known as "the Warrior Pope." "Pope St. Julius I". In the sixth century, it became customary for the Pope to take a new name … That dogma was so absurd that it took centuries to develop, and Pope "Innocent" III was the first Pope to condemn Catholics who doubted the REAL PRESENCE!! Other Popes named Julius: Pope Julius II (Latin: Iulius Secundus; December 5, 1443 - February 21, 1513), originally Giuliano Della Rovere, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 217th Pope from 1503 until his death in 1513. He was then promptly sent back to his palace in Aachen, Germany. Julius’ mansion was full of statues and frescos of boys having sex with each other, as the pope flaunted his passion for molesting children. The Pope has been a vastly influential figure in history. . He is notable for asserting the authority of the pope over the Arian Eastern bishops, as well as setting 25 December as the official birthdate of Jesus. The legend of George and the Dragon is also based on the Alexandrian Pope George. The Pope is one of the most important religious figures in the world. Pope Julius I (280 – 352). [10] Another reason for the decision may have been because, in 274 AD, the Roman emperor Aurelian had declared 25 December the birthdate of Sol Invictus[11] and Julius I may have thought that he could attract more converts to Christianity by allowing them to continue to celebrate on the same day. It is true that the Council of Nicaea had condemned Arianism, but in spite of that Arians had been growing in strength and had even gained the ear of Constantine, and what was more crucial, that of his son Constantius who succeeded him in the East. Ridley, Jasper. Payne, Robert, The Holy Fire: The Story of the Father of the Eastern Church. He was the nephew of Pope … Foxe's Book of Martyrs. ELOHIM is the plural of EL, which means strong and mighty in Hebrew. During his pontificate, fearing for his life, Giuliano hid at the French court. Julius is chiefly known by the part he took in the Arian controversy. and trans. Eusebius and his followers elected George, whereupon the Arians elected Pistus. Pope Julius II (Italian: Papa Giulio II; Latin: Iulius II; born Giuliano della Rovere; 5 December 1443 – 21 February 1513) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 1503 to his death in 1513. Pope Julius III presided over the Council of Trent from 1501 to 1550. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of El Shaddai (Apocalypse 16:12-14). Julius II - Julius II - Legacy: Julius had an extraordinarily violent temper, often lost his self-control, and could be rude and often even vulgar in manner. The 3 sons of Jesus Constantine followed him on the throne. Translations of Jaffe-Kaltenbrunner's Register of the Pontiff. Around 350 AD, Julius I declared December 25 as the official date of the birth of Jesus. Using his Alexandrian eunuchs, the main focus of Satan's attack was concentrated on the Holy Trinity. Benedict XVI has been elected at the age of 78. While climbing "Pilate's Staircase" on his knees to obtain a 1,000-year-indulgence for a deceased relative, he heard a voice like thunder say "the just shall live by faith.". It is called the Era of the Martyrs, and the bishops and deacons were always the first to be arrested and executed. After everybody spoke, Saint Jacob or Saint James approved the final decrees: For which cause I judge that they, who from among the Gentiles are turning to God, are not be be disquieted, But that we write unto them that they should refrain themselves from the pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood (Acts 15:19-20, Douay-Rheims Version). From birth, Leo had been earmarked for the church. Beyond all controversy, Pope Julius I was the FIRST POPE to reign in Roma....He became pontiff in February 337, just before the death of Emperor Jesus Constantine in May 337. Butler, Alban. The world took a giant leap backward when Jesus Constantine reintroduced hereditary monarchy. Foxe, John. After the followers of Eusebius of Nicomedia, who had become the patriarch of Constantinople, renewed their deposition of Athanasius of Alexandria at a synod held in Antioch in 341, they resolved to send delegates to Constans, emperor of the West, and also to Julius, setting forth the grounds on which they had proceeded. The list of popes begins with St. Peter and continues through the present day. [7] It was also believed that Jesus and John the Baptist were born around the same time from reading the Gospel of Luke. Expecting to find the New Jerusalem, he found an open sewer instead!! Up to the time of Pope John II in 533, Popes kept their birth names. And the sixth angel poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. [1], It was through the influence of Julius that, at a later date, the council of Sardica in Illyria was held, which was attended only by seventy-six Eastern bishops, who speedily withdrew to Philippopolis and deposed Julius at the council of Philippopolis, along with Athanasius and others. At the time, being pope was to the richest and most powerful families of Italy much like being President of the … All others who became Bishop of Rome were also recognized as popes. [3][4][5] At the time this was one of the commonly believed dates for Jesus' birth and was used by Hippolytus of Rome in his Commentary on Daniel around 200 AD. Gioffre Borgia. The Father is JEHOVAH, the Son is JEHOVAH, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of JEHOVAH. CANON VI.-If any one saith, that, in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist, Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, is not to be adored with the worship, even external of latria; and is, consequently, neither to be venerated with a special festive solemnity, nor to be solemnly borne about in processions, according to the laudable and universal rite and custom of holy church; or, is not to be proposed publicly to the people to be adored, and that the adorers thereof are idolators; let him be anathema. Her main mission was to break the alliance between Scotland and France, and make Scotland a part of the newborn British Empire! There have been many Popes over the years. Another famous sculpture by Michelangelo is the pietà, or our "Lady of Pity.". Ominously, the Popes ignored the first Congregation Council, and declared that the decrees were only applicable to pagans or heathens . (An online 1848 London edition). PRIOR TO POPE JULIUS I THERE WERE ALREADY 19 POPES IN ALEXANDRIA, EGPYT. The name Origenes means "born of Horus" and he was a prolific writer who developed all the heresies that came out of the mouth of the Dragon (Apocalypse 15:13). Della Rovere was soon made a cardinal and continued to maneuver for his own gain. One of the last acts of the perfidious Jesus Constantine was to appoint Julius as bishop of Roma. There is, of course, no way that Peter was the bishop of Rome in A.D. 30. Even during the reign of Queen Cleopatra, Egypt was very reluctant to surrender sovereignty to the SPQR Republic on the Tiber. He led papal armies in … Pope Callixtus III (r. 1455–1458) A member of the powerful Borgia family, Callixtus III made a heroic … "Can you be ignorant," writes Julius, "that this is the custom, that we should be written to first, so that from here what is just may be defined" (Epistle of Julius to Antioch, c. He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. That was when Isis, Horus, and Seb (IHS) met Zeus and Athena. Nicknamed the Warrior Pope or the Fearsome Pope, he chose his papal name not in honour of Pope Julius I but in emulation of Julius Caesar. and were not binding on Christians! J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848). His self-indulgence destroyed the unity of the western church when he bartered sin for money in the most infamous indulgence of church history. Good, Jonathan. Warlike Pope Julius II died in 1513, and his successor, Giovanni de' Medici, took the name Pope Leo X. Instead, Popes were forbidden to marry (I Timothy 4:3). Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Instead, he concentrated on denying the Holy Trinity! Besides adoring the REAL PRESENCE of Jesus, "Bloody Mary" spent a lot of time praying to the pietà that she had specially imported from Roma. For the first 3 centuries, there were 10 great pagan persecutions of Christianity, culminating in the longest and bitterest under Emperor Diocletian. That is the reason why so many Popes look-alike! Della Rovere became pope upon the death of Pius III who reigned in 1503 for less than a month. . He is notable for asserting the authority of the pope over the Arian Eastern bishops, as well as setting 25 December as the official birthdate of Jesus. Pope Julius II began life in 1443 as Giuliano della Rovere, a member of a poor noble family. Julius, after expressing an opinion favourable to Athanasius, adroitly invited both parties to lay the case before a synod to be presided over by himself. However, Pharaoh's host pursued after them, so JEHOVAH sent his mechanic-angel to take off the wheels of their chariots and slow them down: And it came to pass in the morning watch that JEHOVAH looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, and took off their chariot wheels so that they dragged heavily (Exodus 13:24-25). The Catholic Encyclopedia. Refusal to sign meant a quick trip to the burning stake!! Pope George is now known as George of "Cappadocia.". [1], On this second banishment from Alexandria, Athanasius came to Rome, and was recognised as a regular bishop by the synod presided over by Julius in 342. His costly concern with the arts and politics alienated >northern Europe … Background: Julius was one of the rare duly-elected popes of the 16th century, most having come to power through intrigues or even murder. The Holy Bible teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal. Mary Tudor: Princess, Bastard, Queen. Arius was another arch heresiarch who was a close friend of Emperor Jesus Constantine. Thousands of Christians were martyred, and the Great Library at Alexandria was burned by the Muslims. Margaret Thatcher was the British Queen Cleopatra! The Exodus from Egyptian bondage is another marvelous type of Armageddon and the end of the world. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It was the ideal time for "Bloody Mary" to eliminate her quietly and replace her with a double! and were not binding on Christians! Arian Ambrose of Alexandria was a disciple of Origen and all of Origen's works are dedicated to his fellow heresiarch. Pope Julius II was known as the "Warrior Pope" because he was a true successor of Gaius Julius Caesar. Bloody Mary's Martyrs: The Story of England's Terror. Bloody Mary's Martyrs: The Story of England's Terror. "Bloody Mary" required everybody to sign a document stating that they believed in the REAL PRESENCE. Alexandria was world famous for its vast library which contained all the knowledge and cunning of the ancient world.....The lighthouse at Alexandria was one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, and it was powered by electricity! . Origen could not disprove the fact of the Resurrection of Christ became multitudes of Christians were visiting Golgotha on the Mount of Olives! This chronological list of all popes begins with Peter, and it uses A.D. 30 as his start date because that is the dating used by the Roman Catholic's Annuario Pontificio, the most official list of popes that exists.. There he, tirelessly conspired against the pope and his family. Unwittingly, Pope Julius II triggered the Reformation in England when he granted, Ominously, the Popes ignored the first Congregation Council, and declared that the decrees were only applicable to pagans or heathens. Pietàs proliferated in England before the blessed Reformation, but Saint Thomas Cranmer ordered those idolatrous images destroyed. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of El Shaddai (Apocalypse 16:12-14). Horus became Serapis, and after the Great Apostasy, Serapis became Jesus, and Isis became the Virgin Miriam or Maria! He is the 7th oldest Pope at … The pope is the head of the Catholic Church.. Peter was called the Bishop of Rome. Julius sent a letter to the Eastern bishops that is an early instance of the claims of primacy for the bishop of Rome. Julius whose feast day is April 12th. By Vatican News On Thursday, the Holy See announced the following resignations and appointments for various episcopal sees around the world. By its 3rd, 4th, and 5th decrees relating to the rights of revision claimed by Julius, the council of Sardica perceptibly helped forward the claims of the bishop of Rome. The greatest of Julius’ controversies was the “Innocenzo Scandal”, named after a handsome 13 year old beggar with whom Julius fell passionately in … During the reign of terror of "Bloody Mary" Tudor, anyone who denied the REAL PRESENCE OF PHAROAH faced a fiery death!! The greatest of Julius’ controversies was the “Innocenzo Scandal”, named after a handsome 13 year old beggar with whom Julius fell passionately in …, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 April 2021, at 13:35. Pope Julius III (Latin: Julius Tertius; 10 September 1487 – 23 March 1555), born Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 222nd Pope from February 1550 until his death in 1555. Whitelock, Anna. He was succeeded by Liberius. First published in 1563. Gioffre Borgia, the youngest full brother of the slain Giovanni Borgia, was at the short … Finally, in 1503, at the age of 60 years old, della Rovere became the Bishop of Rome, assuming the name Julius in honor of his predecessor… Julius Caesar. Discover the most famous people named Julius including Julius Brown, Julius Erving, Julius Dein, Julius Randle, Julius Cowdrey and many more. Unwittingly, Pope Julius II triggered the Reformation in England when he granted Henry Tudor and Catherine of Aragon a "license to sin.". Moses stretched out his rod over the Red Sea and the waters were dried up so that the children of Israel crossed over as on dry land. (Thirteenth Session, Canon II). With Pole as Pope, and "Bloody Mary" on the throne, it would have hastened the return of Britain to Babylon! The 13th Session became deadly serious about the REAL PRESENCE of Pharaoh! Julius II , POPE (GIULIANO DELLA ROVERE), b. on December 5, 1443, at Albissola near Savona; crowned on November 28, 1503; d. at Rome, in the night of 20-February 21, 1513.He was born of a probably noble but impoverished family, his father being Raffaelo della Rovere and his mother Theodora Manerola, a lady of Greek extraction. Pope Francis has named new Bishops for dioceses in South Sudan, the Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, the United States, and Poland. Yet, apart from the avarice and corruption inherent in his office and time as much as in himself, he was incapable of baseness and vindictiveness and despised informers and flatterers; no one was able to influence his decisions. Pope Julius II (Latin: Iulius Secundus; December 5, 1443 - February 21, 1513), originally Giuliano Della Rovere, was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the 217th Pope from 1503 until his death in 1513. Elizabeth had a very good Christian upbringing by her step-mother, Queen Catherine Parr (1512–1548). Most of the Popes in Alexandria were eunuchs, but self-mutilation was not required in Roma. ", "Yes, Christ Was Really Born on December 25: Here's a Defense of the Traditional Date for Christmas", "Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25?". Pope from 337 to 352. The three hundred Western bishops who remained, confirmed the previous decisions of the Roman synod and issued a number of decrees regarding church discipline. Beginning with evil twin Romulus, the Romans had to endure the tyrannical reign of 7 kings before noble Brutus banned hereditary monarchs forever! The future Reformer was appalled by the loose morals of the monks in what he believed was "Holy" Roma. He was known as "the Warrior Pope." Before the coming of the Messiah, Egypt was quintessentially Baalzebub's kingdom: Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the IRON FURNACE , saying, "obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your Elohim" (Jeremiah 11:4). One of the first acts of Pope Julius was to designate December 25 as the birthday of Jesus. Even if Athanasius and his companions were somewhat to blame, the letter runs, the Alexandrian Church should first have written to the pope. “Saint Julius, Pope and Confessor”. However, Popes had nuns in constant attendance upon them, and the male children of Popes were called nephews, while their female counterparts were called nieces. (Thirteenth Session, Canon I). The Cult of St. George in Medieval England. Boydell Press, Suffolk, UK, 2009. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles, ed. By the time of Constantine there were already 19 Popes in Alexandria. And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith JEHOVAH Sabaoth (Isaiah 19:4). Pope Boniface VIII (c. 1235 – 1303) Born to a minor noble family in Anagni, Italy, Benedetto Caetani … III; 10 September 1487 – 23 March 1555), born Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 7 February 1550 to his death in 1555. [10][11] It has been noted that the 25th of December is two days after the end of the Roman festival of Saturnalia. Julius is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church. Emperor Jesus Constantine relocated it to Roma before he died in 337. The Sistine Chapel ceiling is a panorama of world history from Creation to the Last Judgment. On May 18, 1554, Princess Elizabeth—daughter of Henry VIII and Queen Anne Boleyn—was imprisoned in the Tower of London. The Son is eternally begotten by the Father, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father....Saint Patrick used the SHAMROCK to illustrate the Holy Trinity to his converts in Hibernia.... Visually the Son and the Holy Spirit are like the 2 eyes or 2 arms of the human body! Right now, the geographical country of Egypt is ruled over by a cruel tyrant named Muhammed. When Pope Julius wasn't fighting Spaniards (Catalans) he took a keen interest in works of art. In 1550, English Cardinal Reginald Pole almost became Pope, but lost by 1 vote! If Julius loved to fight, Leo preferred amusement. (1913). Julius was the son of a Roman named Rusticus. He was elected Pope to succeed Pope St. Mark on February 6, 337. [6] It is likely that Pope Julius declared 25th as Christmas after patriarch Cyril of Jerusalem asked for clarification on what date historical records stored in Rome indicate as Jesus' birth. Julius II >Julius II (1443-1513), who was pope from 1503 to 1513, was a noted >Renaissance patron of the arts. Catholic Encyclopedia. [10][12] Some have speculated that part of the reason why he chose this date may have been because he was trying to create a Christian alternative to Saturnalia. Here is the dogmatic teaching on the REAL PRESENCE of Pharaoh from the 13th Session of the Council of Trent: CANON I-.If any one denieth, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but saith that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema. A patron of the arts, he commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Kings were banned forever in 509 BC when Tarquinius Superbus "Tarquin the Proud" was overthrown. Kirsch, Johann Peter. Carrol & Graf Publishers, New York, 2001. But after the death of Constantine the Great, his son, Constantine II, allowed Anthanasius to return to the see of Alexandria. Origen was a castrated priest of Isis who wrote millions of words trying to disprove the Holy Trinity from the very words of Holy Scripture. . [11], Julius I died in Rome on 12 April 352. Jesus Constantine started the myth that you could be a "Roman Emperor" and yet not reside in the city of the Caesars. St. Vladimir's Seminary, Crestwood, New York, 1980. In these last days, Christ expects every Christian to do his/her duty and slow Pharaoh down! That day became the biggest holiday in the calendar for the Roman Catholics in the West, but the Orthodox Christians never accepted that date. Charlemagne was the first western ruler to embrace that myth when he was crowned "Holy Roman" Emperor by Pope Leo III. Burned by the loose morals of the first Congregation Council, and Bloody... Influential figure in history the bishop of Rome text from a publication now the... 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