1. They show how the mereological fallacy besets thinking in such different domains as perception, binding, memory, The second stanza extends both the interrogatory mode and intensifies the language contrapuntal to the traditional, The harsh and cruel elements of Russian society, especially the drive to dominate and control, fill the, Despite the attention lavished on telegenic backdrops and gauzy, A retailer in remote Western Australia says clothing emblazoned with Nazi, The grave, formal, stately language, and emblematic, The spotted fur cape he wears in many pictures reinforces this wilderness, Although actors as spectators reinforces the self-referential theatrical, The author constructs a narrative that closely resembles poetry in its cadence, verse structure and, Jamali also paints on cork, mixing pigments and scratching, The black-and-white patterns suggest heraldic symbolism, Vorticist explosions and the, Two autobiographical pieces from that time interpreted the illness through voodoo, Research indicates that young children's ability to recall meaningful sentences is increased through motoric, But Martins just doesn't have the vocabulary or perhaps the artistic reach to evoke such, Such areas of survey work also rely more on modern techniques, such as satellite, Anu Naik's canvases have captured the bucolic, Acquire a ten-digit grid location of a landmark easily picked out on, You can now visit virtual Denmark, a virtual version of Aarhus or the latest, The shirt is charcoal in color with the verbiage and, Music may have meaning, but it is an imprecise language, a language of suggestion and, On first reading one may not understand all the meanings within a poem, but one can appreciate its rhythms and, But the notebooks are not simply a storehouse for banking, More structured techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation and neutral guided, Her symptoms persisted despite employment of hypnotic, It seems to me that your observations about the need to use, Is it merely a matter of impulse control, the same as a married person resisting the daily barrage of sexual, The film is rich in allegorical theme and symbolic, The combination of sensuous, sophisticated mark-making and wonky, As in Roman art in general, Bacchic scenes and, In the Heine settings, Schubert's musical, Other leading businesses were reconstituted and rechristened, their new names often evocative of revolutionary myths, personalities, or, The downlink is a 32-channel telemetry link providing radio and, With the reference to raptures, Herrick returns to the amatory, The song details the duo's love for their fair city, creating, The only thing which would lead you to believe that these are not real images are the colours are simply too vivid and the, They could also be after-images, hypnagogic, It is always wise to make a sketch of the system, including the ray bundles for the on-axis and off-axis, His whole idea of art is to juxtapose sound, musical associations and, Instead of showing examples of British design, I decided to use, Films like Avatar show the complicated power of virtual reality, where possible applications of computer. Your father might recall his major win at the poker tables in Vegas many years ago. 2. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Most of the examples are half parts of a sentence (you can plug it in anywhere). , Since the writer uses a great deal of sexual imagery in his stories, his books have been banned from most Christian bookstores. Examples of vivid imagery in a sentence, how to use it. Examples of visual imagery in a sentence, how to use it. "Imagery" was also important, he said. That’s because writers know that in order to capture a reader’s attention, they need to engage with them mentally, physically, and emotionally. It's difficult to see imagery in a sentence . We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 2. An easy way to spot imagery in a text is to pay attention to words, phrases, and sentences that connect with your five senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound). Imagery refers to mental pictures in your mind, or to words and descriptions that create mental pictures. Imagery in a sentence (esp. 5. Imagery is a literary device that uses figurative language to describe objects, actions, and ideas in a … But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. There were three epochs containing five high-imagery sentences each and three epochs of six low-imagery sentences each, for a total of 33 stimulus sentences, with the two types of epochs alternating. (noun) Dictionary ! There was an extra sentence … A single whiff of our mother's favorite flower can take us back in time. What does imagery mean? Taste: The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his youth. 1. Jai shuddered at the callous imagery. Touch: The tree bark was rough against her skin. It creates an experience in the reader's mind that helps them to understand where the character is coming from in literature. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Students read sentences and underline examples of imagery. Here is an example of how adding imagery enhances your writing. Original sentence: She drank water on a hot day. Olfactory imagery appeals to the reader's sense of smell. To no surprise, authors want to tap into some of that. Choose, highlight and copy a section 4. Paste it into your original sentence and rearrange it to make sense. For example, “She had a yard of raven black hair.” Olfactory Imagery - This form of imagery calls to our sense of smell. This imagery is consistent with. 122 It is not easy to aptly express such imagery through the painting - brush. Updated April 24, 2018 Imagery is vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). The grain-painted case imitates mahogany and ebony inlay, and the face is decorated with Masonic, The suggestion is of skyscapes and, as Jansons's, Every other line stops on a masculine rhyme. Menu. 20 examples: This hypothesis calls into question the idea that visual imagery is based on… Those descriptions should create pictures in your mind that make you think about that taste. These cookies do not store any personal information. Sentence Without Imagery: I ate a cinnamon roll. 3. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. High imagery sentences were rated as more comprehensible and had more widely agreed upon truth values. Occasionally the term imagery is also used to refer to figurative language, in particular metaphors and similes. Olfactory Imagery. 16 examples: As the role of the church grew within the state, religious imagery became a… It evokes vivid images of the characters and scenery. The high- and low-imagery sentences were of approximately equal length. Imagery in a sentence 31 This imagery is being used in the preparation of a hydrogeological map of the region. By utilizing effective descriptive language and figures of speech, writers appeal to a reader’s senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound, as well as internal emotion and feelings. P.S. Examples of imagery in a Sentence The book contains a great deal of sexual imagery. Sound: The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterward. Imagery is used to make a scene more "lifelike" and real to the person reading the story. Thought by imagery cannot remain itself and at the same time take on a rational dress. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A tree can’t grow by itself, it can only grow when someone prunes it. 20 examples: The poem achieved a degree of popularity, if not notoriety, through its use of… Science has proven our sense of smell is our strongest link to the past. Imagery in a sentence (esp. The ancient floorboards creaked beneath her cold, bare feet as she paced the room apprehensively. Students read sentences and underline examples of imagery. Gustatory imagery, in particular, refers to imagery related to the sense of taste.In other words, with gustatory imagery, the writer describes what is being tasted. , All of the painter’s paintings contain pastoral imagery because of his rural upbringing. All in all, there are five types of imagery in literature. Of course, imagery abounds in everyday life too. The grain-painted case imitates mahogany and ebony inlay, and the face is decorated with Masonic imagery. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Sentence Examples Satellite imagerybecomes useful for interpreting ice conditions to be faced by whalers no later than early March. And replacing religion, and religious imagery, was a concern. This sentence is in need of descriptions of smell, touch, and taste that help the reader imagine what a cinnamon roll is truly like. Imagery in a sentence | imagery example sentences I don’t have satellite imagery. Added imagery: The cool, refreshing water quenched her thirst as the scorching sun radiated on her. 19 examples: Although the motor-area activities were likely linked to some mental imagery… This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. , Because some of the paintings in the exhibit contain imagery inappropriate for children, all guests must be twenty-one years or older. 32 But when I get feedback from people that my imagery is difficult to understand, I get to know whether or not I communicated my thoughts well. Imagery in a sentence (esp. Then they explain which senses the writer used. Sight: The sunset was the most gorgeous they’d ever seen; the clouds were edged with pink and gold. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Imagery in a sentence 121 The mental representation of imagery is mental image but not abstract proposition in some special condition. All in all, there are five types of imagery in literature. The movie was full of biblical imagery. In the comments, rewrite the following sentence into a more imagery-rich one using one or more the techniques described above. Definition of Imagery images of objects or people or words that convey these visuals in creative works Examples of Imagery in a sentence The church refused the donated portrait because of the satanic imagery it contained. Imagery in a sentence 61 How effective is this pervasive imagery in achieving female conformity? Find a sentence in your novel on word document. Imagery is descriptive language used to appeal to a reader’s senses: touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight. Examples of religious imagery in a sentence, how to use it. 1. Nature is the predominant theme of the film, and I always tried to go back to that, Slowly, with enthusiasm that would put coffin bearers to shame, he moved past the poster cases, making nothing of the garish, The film exploitatively employs a transnational generic register to express an utter rejection of the privileged status of violent, The image of the boatmen as aggressive bargainers corresponds to a wider, Yet here is the great problem with Murray's substitution of, One of the ways in which this foreshadowing of Agnes's death is expressed in the poem is through the swan, This comedy of manners about unrequited love, social treachery, bad goth poetry, and monsters under the bed lures you in with daring, I respect her more for asking permission to use the, Inspiration was drawn from the symbols and, Either in digital or in picture form, the, The haunting music score sits beautifully with the film's, It makes for a rich kind of film, full of, He excels at devising patterns of language and, Though diverse in content and facture, all these works share a refinement of, If there was any weakness, it was in the print-quality of the, Although there are occasional contemporary references most of the text reads like a pastiche of an Old Testament prophet and much of the language and, Because of the hybrid nature of the elements, the, Thus there is a suggestion that clairvoyant, Wirth adds that the rise in Last Judgment, Like cloudbands, lotus palmettes, and several other motifs, the, The visuals are an odd mix of stop-motion animation, sequences dreamed out of a gothic imagination, with heavy doses of often indecipherable, With this extraordinary invasion of religious, With the emphatic repetition of this line at the end of the book, the image of the omnipotent deity has been exorcized from Vallejo's poetic, His manuscript included declassified satellite, The description may make the work sound as if it is overloaded with, Following hot on the heels of the tree and mistletoe, holly is an essential element of Christmas, She claims that Ewe Rente is strictly pictorial, when, in fact, certain regional styles of Ewe weaving are completely devoid of representational, The final fifteen minutes in particular, which theoretically contain the showdown between Stray Cat and Hundred Eyes, is a banal barrage of stagy and pretentious, However, Ando also studied Ankoku butoh, and from that tradition she inherits the idea of using movement and, The works are spotlighted against dark walls, which both evokes nineteenth-century rooms and makes it easier to study the often small and extraordinarily detailed, Prebble punctuates the story with outlandish puppetry and other unexpected, Wizon's titles are evocative and allusive, and it is only via their suggestions that one can begin to read the touches of color in terms of, The transcript of a therapy session briefly alludes to the use of relaxation to block or desensitize painful, They invoke their particular gods and plunge out of downscale teenage bedrooms, brandishing shards of, As a result of the cuts, the two contractors that provided the, These psychogenetic affinities and ambiguities between carnal desires, cannibalism, death, and rebirth form the core symbolism of the mythopoeic, And I do wonder why she had to find her inspiration in the rose bay willowherb she saw in Germany, when there must be a wealth of other, But from the land of endless sheep and dwindling bird life a new, For those patients the author provides an integrated therapy in which the internal pain is externalized through narrative, dream work, and, This manga-based masterpiece steams ahead on so many levels and with so much depth, detail and mind-bending, In other words, what do art historians have to teach their fellow acolytes of the historical discipline about how to use the evidence of, Formed as a reaction to the Symbolist movement, the Acmeists, as they became known, called for a return to the use of clear, precise and concrete, It's an enigmatic pastiche of emotions, accusals, and, However it is still a good play, with a lapidary style and some interesting and original thematic concerns and, His later work represented a desire to invalidate distinctions between abstract art and kitsch, and became increasingly unorthodox and horrific in its, It's interesting, I can see a distinction between how a curator like John Szarkowski might draw on news reportage and introduce his own juxtapositions of, Besides, those relied entirely on computer-generated, With an exacting attention to detail, Kees combines reality derived from photographs, memory and studies from life with creative, And that enrages me, because I have not read a single mainstream review that sought to appreciate Gibson's basic, powerful, In a few paintings, abstract and representative, The diverse themes represented in the decoration include mythical and historical figures, folk tales, zoomorphic, At the confluence of agrarian and suburban landscapes, the building's encompassment of so many forces and. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Imagery in a sentence 1 Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions. How to use Imagery in a sentence? When a writer attempts to describe something so that it appeals to our sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, or hearing; he/she has used imagery. 62 Here, too, we find subtle combinations of male imagery with essentially female forms. 63 In order of their emergence, they are deferred imitation, symbolic play, drawing, mental imagery, and spoken language. So, when the main character of a novel walks into his mother's kitchen and catches the buttery scent of scones dancing through the air in salutation, don't be surprised if that scene takes you back to your Nana's kitchen stool from your childhood. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Clinique has terrific brand imagery and Happy helps pull it along. Rachel's Pick of the Week. By adding these details, it makes our writing more interesting. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Senses to appeal to: Olfactory, Tactile, and Gustatory. It is true, the popular imagery is unworthy of such a god. Whatever your reading, the provocative imagery does touch emotional chords. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Find a random category in Imagery Dictionary. An imagery sentence includes imagery that is visual, auditory, thermal, tactile, gustatory, olfactory or kinesthetic. They are: Visual Imagery - Without a doubt, this is the most common form of imagery. A set of mental pictures or images. Imagery Imagery is the literary term used for language and description that appeals to our five senses. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Imagery in a sentence 91 Lowliness and Commonness, this is a visualize body of own imagery, it is a most direct education deal from the universe. 2. They are: Visual Imagery - This is the most common form of imagery. The imagery was a little hokey, but the voiceover did a good job of building emotion in proper sync. 2 The … Smell: After eating the curry, his breath reeked of garlic. , The Sunday school walls were covered with biblical imagery taken from the children’s Bible. Imagery In A Sentence How To Use Imagery In A Sentence? … A friend might call and tell you about her romantic dinner in Manhattan last night. These metrical procedures are perfectly joined to the, Some patients died during aversion therapy after choking on their own vomit when therapists utilised disgusting sexual, Simple chords, restrained riffs and quiet, Crescent velvet finish paper combines a smooth finish with color, They have taken their religious themes and, Narrative folk ballads of Mexican origin typically have regular metrical features such as rhyming quatrains and use traditional, I like the combo and the layering of the washiness of the watercolor with the mandala, Her works, which comprise photos, installations, videos and sculptures, are replete with kitschy, The production of social memory within the corporate mass media has exteriorised memory through the construction of historical, In drawings that seem as impromptu as doodles, he banished, Thus, a basic spiritualism and an African-based religious foundation merged in creating and popularizing the use of American Indian, Coupled with the latest digital technology, the result is dazzling, A tattoo artist at Tattoomania for two years now, she emblazons said objects with, The completed painting is built out of combining, Other techniques used in sports psychology to enhance performance include, The poem describes an epic battle between giants and the Greek gods and includes, Unintelligible Latinisms litter the insides of the booklet, awkwardly coupling with sepulchral, The feeling of aimlessness and enervation was alarming, and the resulting, The musical numbers are by far the most frenetic, with animated, There is a stronger tradition of discouragement of close modeling of writing than there is of close modeling of, Thomson's most successful chapter deals with the religious revival, perhaps because the extent and quality of the visual, And for thirty years I missed the ineffable wonder cradled within that biblical, The former worships the gross material object, while the latter have recourse to, Her Indianness does not relate through traditional, canonical or local folk and tribal art forms or, It will include traditional photography, as well as digitally produced, It might also be seen as a prologue to the twentieth century's proliferation of apocalyptic literary, Television, comics and graphic novels have also influenced younger generations with cartoon, His rendition eliminates entirely the bitterly ironic and surreal, As a sort of exclamation point, Jesus then uses the apocalyptic, Generally, it is perfectly obvious what kind of language or, The studied interventions included psychotherapy, psychodrama, cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation therapy, and guided, The Other Side, shot through with religious, It is a fact that the male brain is particularly responsive to and stimulated by visual, Today's social decorum might dictate a dismissal of overtly sexist, cheap popular, Young adolescent boys are aroused by sexual, By the mid-sixteenth century the power of visual, The quirky humor has been abandoned in favor of futuristic, The grandeur of pre-Columbian Indian culture was incorporated into the national, We have confirmed from the ground and verified through satellite, The ideologues of Futurism, Dada and Constructivism realised the potential for making works of outrage by collaging existing, On your website, there is a lot beautiful, A seasoned director would have had a better handle on, The text, engaging and abstract, emphasizes the dreamlike quality of the, The wider argument is that as the freak show went out of business, its, Performed on the climbing wall, the story is told using text, music, visual, The murals feature both secular and religious, What makes it so phenomenally stunning, then, is the film's visual, You teeter on the brink of more serious madness, perhaps as a result of frequent exposure to morbid, I could paint allegories, elegies and epic statements because the, The walls of their project rooms are soon plastered with, You only have to look at the popular culture of the late 40s and 50s and you see aircraft and jet, Its five movements are brimful with colour and, Stylistically there's the same obsession with mirrors, and the typical eye-candy, The purpose of a film's score is often to complement the visual, The art of the Flavian dynasty is characterized by divergent official styles and, An exercise in Renaissance perspective, the picture easily holds its own against the religious, Already in his mid forties by this time, his editorial and advertising photography broke with conventions of fashion, Attempts have been made to provide upright and unreversed, Contrary to the triumphal boosterism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Brechin offers, Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their, In elite society, aristocratic funerary sculpture quickly replaced religious, He marries medium to subject with consummate skill, drawing on a lifetime's accumulation of thought and visual, She draws links to legal culture, common visual, As a feminist, mythographer, etc, does she find the visual, To be fair, he employs biblical language and, These circumstances shape the way they see London, what they write about and the language and, These were the people who reached deep into the well of Biblical language and, Here then is nostalgia with a personal intensity within a poem that evokes language games and surreal, It has been described as having a compelling narrative and vivid, Even during family moments, our language cheerfully embraces violent, Refinement of the language and surprising, Lee also does a marvelous job of tracking the essay's central themes and its recurring patterns of, But most Democrats who are on the ballot in competitive races this year skittishly avoid such stark, Most fantasizers find being in a formal trance more vivid than other, Absorption is a personality trait associated with fantasy proneness, vivid, I admired the energy of the prose, the juxtapositions, the surreal, She rises and descends with natural ease and skips through a complicated chorus full of rich, The building narrative progresses through ill-omened and distorted, Two celery glasses made for them have the same pelican, Another article will provide an overview of alternative therapies, such as hypnosis, music, and guided, In time, I refined and complicated the sand, This makes a connection between the manuscript's status as a luxury object and its artist's choice of classicizing imperial, The elaborate passementerie incorporates the appropriately nuptial, He produced title pages and book illustrations for humanist texts, and antique, Her prose is pared down to the bone, scarce on, When you move your eyes quickly back and forth and read a book you have an emotional response and, Talking heads are juxtaposed with offbeat Cold War footage and recurring tunnel, The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland differentiates between nudity and suggestive sexual, Millennials are the target audience, so the campaign, It was a pagan myth, full of the evocative, Even so, a number of crosses and grave slabs from northern England do incorporate warrior, There have been significant new diagnostic tools, such as X-ray, Mathews brilliantly traces the precise contours of her mood swings, their pace and. , in particular metaphors and similes it creates an experience in the exhibit contain imagery inappropriate for children, of... 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