2. Landlord: An owner of a house, apartment, or land, to whom a tenant pays rent. Present: 1. Security makes the promise to pay more than a personal obligation. Plea: The response by one who is accused of a crime; the answer the law requires of a defendant who is accused. Title: 1. Promissory note: A written document stating that a certain debt will be paid at a specified time or within a specified period of time. A regulation or order of a court concerning the manner in which its business shall be conducted. Donee: Someone who receives a gift; a person who is granted with a power of appointment. An offer. Monetary: Referring to money; pecuniary. Proceeding: 1. Such copy is certified by the officer to whose custody the original document is entrusted. Citizen: An inhabitant of a town, city, state, or country, entitled to all its privileges. Demise: A deed; a lease; a transfer of property; a conveyance or creation of an estate to someone else for life. The reasons given for a court's judgment, frequently pointing out the law that governed the court's conclusions. 2. Jury: A specified number of men and/or women who are chosen and sworn to look into matters of fact and, therefore, to determine and render a decision upon the evidence presented to them. Legitimate: Real; bona fide; reasonable. The major portion of; more than one-half. Persons making certain payments to such taxpayers must withhold and pay to the IRS 31% of such payments. Ancestor: A person from whom one is descended; a progenitor. (It is the purchaser's responsibility to discover if such goods are damaged.) Rocket Lawyer is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. Succession: 1. Examination: The questioning of an individual or individuals in connection with a legal matter. Income may be in the form of money from sales or services, from interest on investments, etcetera. Such sum is only part of the total cost of the security, with the broker having the right to receive the balance should the value of the stock decline markedly. Co-executor: One of two or more people designated to administer someone's estate; joint executor. To tolerate; to license; to grant permission. Quorum: A majority; the number of people who must be present to permit an organization, a group, a body, etcetera, to conduct its business and reach valid decisions. Exonerated: Absolved of a charge; declared not responsible; not guilty; released from liability; exculpated. 3. An agreement to make up for any damages that result from a false representation of facts. Removal: A change in residence; the depriving of one's position, such as taking one's job away, the transfer of a thing or person from one place to another. Mitigate: To lessen, as in reducing the punishment of a convicted person or decreasing the amount of damages a plaintiff may have been awarded. Such profit sharing usually constitutes only part of the pay the employees receive for their work. Unliquidated claim: A disputed claim; an unsettled dispute. Quota: 1. Pre-Construction Service It is an unlawful act. Descendant: A child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and so forth, down through the generations. Personal injury is not limited to physical body harm. A gambling device may be a machine specially designed to cheat those who gamble. To deliberate means to think about or consider, or to plan beforehand. A fiduciary bond is similar to an insurance policy because it represents an arrangement where one party (the "surety") agrees, for a fee, to pay money or perform an obligation in the event the fiduciary (trustee, Market price: The price at which a seller is willing to sell and a buyer is willing to buy. Charitable trust: A trust whose assets and income shall benefit the general public, or a significant segment of the public. Self Perform Postpone: To delay; to put off to a later date; to defer. A suggestion put forth for the purpose of obtaining acceptance. To rent or lease. Pretenses: Acts of pretending or making believe; a false pretense is a calculated, thought-out misrepresentation of facts. An injury or illness which incapacitates one from carrying out his usual duties. Proposal: 1. A right granted by one person (or company) to another giving permission to the other person to do something that he could not legally do without such permission. Bound: Being controlled by an obligation. A convention, meeting, or voting of voters to select a candidate who will represent their political party. United States of America: The union of all the states, under the United States Constitution, with governmental control vested in the people of the various states. The opposite of plural. Session: The period during any one day, or periods of days, during which a court, tribunal, legislative body, etcetera, conducts its business. Privilege: A benefit or right enjoyed by an individual, a group of people, a company, etcetera, not enjoyed by others; special dispensation; an exemption from the performance of some act that others are required to perform; an immunity. Redemption: The act of redeeming; turning in something, such as a bond, for cash. Someone who has had no chance but to act in a certain unlawful manner may be excused from this behavior if necessity was the cause of carrying out the act. As an example, someone moves the previous question. Presume: To believe; to accept as true, even before conclusive evidence has been presented; to assume. Foundation: A charitable organization; an endowment of moneys to a charitable organization. Ensue: To follow or to come later. The note will bear the signature of the debtor and will state to whom and when the money will be paid. Stand: 1. Guarantor: One who makes a guarantee. Anticipation: The right to pay off a mortgage before it is due, without the payment of a penalty for such action. Total disability: Complete inability to work or to carry out any of the duties of one's job or profession, even though one's body may not be totally disabled. Beneficiary: An individual who receives benefits granted to him by another. A personÆs homestead is generally exempt from debt collection (except by the lender who financed the homestead). Psychiatrist: A physician who specializes in and treats disorders of the mind and mental disease. The registration or recording of a deed, a mortgage, or other document in a public record or registry. On demand: An existing debt, payable when requested by the creditor. Associate: An attorney practicing with another attorney, or with a firm of attorneys, but not as a partner or member of the firm. Excess: 1. 3. Adverse interest: Interest that displaces one's own interest, partially or completely. As an adjective, patent means obvious or evident. Roll: 1. Subrogation: 1. The purchaser is usually given the right to a refund if certain conditions are met. Deny: To issue a denial; to contradict; to protest. Against the will; without consent. In a will, property may pass to an heir by implication without the heir being specifically named. To hold in custody, such as a prisoner. Liquidation: The conversion of an asset into cash. Threat: A statement of intention to harm, intimidate, or injure another by carrying out some unlawful act. Property: 1. Compromise: An agreement to make concessions in a dispute or litigation, thus settling outstanding claims. An addition to a written document or clause, such as a codicil. Beneficiaries: An individual who receives benefits granted to him by another. Vice: 1. Payee: The person to whom a bill is to be paid. The cost of using borrowed money. To undertake the responsibility of paying someone's debt should he fail to pay it himself. Arbitrator: A disinterested person, chosen by the parties in a dispute, who will hear the details of the dispute and who will render a decision as to how the dispute shall be settled. Force majeure: In contracts, a clause excusing non-performance of the contract if non-performance is due to unforeseen events beyond the control of the parties, such as acts of God. Free from defect; financially strong and secure; competent; healthy; able to function satisfactorily, such as a person who is sound of mind or has sound judgment. Render: To perform, such as to render a service; to deliver; to yield; to give up. Congress: 1. Precaution: Measure taken in advance, in order to avoid a mishap or to produce a good result; foresight; prevention or preventive measures. Stock broker: A person who buys and sells stocks for his clients. How on earth, the issue was developed radically seeing that other purposes. The document which authorizes an individual to act for another. This pressure might take the form of threats of bodily harm, or of exposure of information that the threatened person wants to keep secret, etcetera. (When someone endorses a check, it permits the check to be cashed or deposited by another person.) Commit: To send someone to prison, to a mental institution, a reformatory, etcetera, by authority of a court order. Failure to act where duty demands that one act. However, a devise may refer to a gift of personal property. (Codicils must be witnessed and signed in the same manner as the original will.) Real property: Land; immovable property on land, such as a building, an apartment house, etcetera. 60% of impacted households were located outside the flood plain, meaning many did not have flood insurance – or any expectation that they would be flooded. Trade secret: A process or compound known only to its owner and manufacturer, although the process or compound is not patented. Recourse: 1. Subpoena: A document ordering an individual to appear in court and give testimony. Peculation: The unlawful taking over of government property or funds for personal use by an individual who has had such property or funds entrusted to his care. Guarantee: An individual to whom a guarantee is made. Health insurance: An arrangement whereby an insurance carrier, in return for the payment of a specified premium, agrees to pay for part or all of the medical expenses incurred by the insured when he, or a member of his immediate family, is ill or has met with an accident. Board of directors: A group of people who represent a corporation and run its business. Anything that can be owned, such as land, buildings, stocks, securities, jewelry, money, patents, copyrights, various rights, etcetera. Annex: To join; to attach. Grantor: A person who sets up, and transfers property to, a trust. Verify: To substantiate or confirm under oath. To exclude; to rule out. Demand: A legal obligation; a claim; to claim as one's right; to insist upon; a positive request that presupposes that there is no defense to the claim or right. Obliterate: To cancel out or erase written material in a legal document. Liable: Legal responsibility; the obligation to do or not do something; an obligation to pay a debt; the responsibility to behave in a certain manner. 2. This is slap the excellent essence of the effectiveness of the drug, as if it is the attack of blood ripple to the device that can compel the lack of an erection. A belief; a judge's or court's reasoning in a particular matter. Bearer: The person who has a document in his possession and who will receive any payment that is due on said document. 2. #1) Brainstorm your name ideas. Living Will: A document which authorizes a person's healthcare provider to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining procedures if the person has a terminal condition with no reasonable hope of survival. A gift. Par value: An arbitrary minimum price at which each share of corporate stock can initially be sold by a corporation. The amount of interest or profit one earns from an investment of money. To see or hear something take place. Sometimes referred to as a "Certificate of Organization" or "Certificate of Formation", depending on state law. Dispute: A controversy; an argument. Benefit: Money that is paid as a result of a claim made on a medical or disability insurance policy. Claim: A demand for property or money, or its equivalent; an assertion that one is entitled to something or that one owns something. Net proceeds: Gross income, minus deductible expenses. The grantor may also be the trustee and/or the beneficiary of the trust. The legal basis for divorce differs from state to state; there is no national divorce law. U.S. senators serve for a term of six years. Accident: An unexpected, unforeseen event. Mental illness: A disorder of the mind, whether of physical or emotional origin. Arrest: The taking of a person into custody by an officer of the law. Priority: The right to take precedence over another; the state of being ahead in time, therefore, having priority; a legal preference. The right to use or benefit from property of any kind. Owing: An unpaid debt; an obligation that is due; due; unpaid. 2. Post-mortem: An autopsy; an examination of a dead body carried out to determine the cause of death. Acting in such a manner that one ignores the safety of others. Surrender: The giving up of something; to yield; to return. Amend: To correct; to change; to alter so as to correct defects in a document. Due date: The date upon which a debt falls due; the date upon which taxes should be paid; the date upon which a promissory note is to be paid. Personal liability: The obligation to pay business-related debts from an owner's personal, non-business assets. Subject to: Governed by; subordinate to; provided that; contingent upon. An implied agreement is one that the parties intend to implement but have not declared in a written document. As examples, an heir is given money in a will by someone who has died; a person who is named to receive the moneys from a life insurance policy. Proprietary rights: Rights and privileges of an owner of property. Written consent: Consent given in writing in lieu of a meeting to approve certain actions. A place where business is transacted; a place where someone practices a profession. License: 1. Cash surrender value: The value of an insurance policy at any specific time before the policy is due. Money or property of an estate is held in custody, or in trust, by a trustee until it is turned over to an heir. A statement by an insured person, expressed in the insurance policy, that certain facts are true. Guaranty: 1. Sheriff: A law officer whose duties include the keeping of the peace, the serving of summonses, subpoenas, and other legal documents, the calling of jurors and the carrying out of judgments issued by the courts. (877) 881-0947 Adopt: To take as one's own; to approve, such as adopting a law. Grandchildrens Trust: An arrangement where property or money is transferred by a grandparent (grantor) to a person (trustee) for the benefit of the grantor's grandchildren (beneficiaries). 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