Is the hexagram the symbol that Satan will use as the Mark of the Beast? A hexagon. SplashLearn is an award winning math learning program used by more than 40 Million kids for fun math practice. So how did the Satanic hexagram end up on the state of Israel’s flag? The Chinese I-Ching (Yi Jing) is based off 64 different arrangements of broken and unbroken lines, with each arrangement having six lines. Not every six-sided object is evil, such as the lily. It references how changes in one world reflect changes in the other. For example, in Greece, shooting stars symbolizes the raise or falling of human spirits. The Rothchild family is controlled by the Jesuits, who are the covert military arm of the Roman Catholic Church. The answer is pretty obvious. At the same time they suggest the constant conflict between light and dark forces in nature and man. The Star of David, one of the most sacred ancient symbols in human history, is a holy symbol in the Jewish tradition as well as many other cultures and religious traditions. They express something to another person and can be used to form a consensus. The Israelites worshiped the star of foreign gods and were punished for it. How much more will he lead people in the end times, either through deceit or enticement, to do the same? These amulets were worn by the pagan priests and they contained all the numbers from 1 to 36. AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is a Roman Catholic Church Jesuit front organization that lobbies to ensure U.S. support of Israel.This allows them to control the Middle East, to steal the resources, to overthrow dictators who don’t conform to their will, and to deceive Christians about the Jews. Satan ever seeks to establish his worship among the Earth. Lilly, where does is say that cubes are evil? The World Jewish Congress is a Roman Catholic Church Jesuit front organization that lobbies to ensure world-wide support of Israel.The hexagram was adopted by the Zionist Organization at the First Zionist Congress in 1897. The six-sided star numerically equals 666 (6 points, 6 triangles, 6-sided hexagon). All roads lead to Rome. He was a claimed convert to Christianity, but secretly remained faithful to Judaism. The compass of Freemasonry represents a hexagram. In 1895, Edmond James de Rothschild visited Palestine and subsequently supplied the funds to buy a great deal of property from the Turks and Arabs, to found the first Jewish colonies in Palestine. It states that: ”His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”. In these, it is said to have the power to bind and control supernatural creatures. Receiving the Mark of the Beast is a RESULT of worshiping the image of the beast., Keep learning and growing in The Way! The state of St. Peter at the Vatican features a Satanic hexagram. The six-sided star was used by Babylonian astrologers for Sun worship. We must conclude then, that it is an apostate symbol belonging to the occult and totally foreign to Christianity. 2. In general, soft, round and organic shapes are less intimidating than sharp ones. The hexagram is a curse mark, so in essence, this is cursing the body of Christ. I just dont see him allowing them to intentionally shame God by the same deeds. The Roman Catholic Church uses the Chi-Rho symbol, as an alternative to the hexagram. Acts 7:39-43 “But our fathers refused to obey him. If I draw one triangle on top of another triangle my hand won’t burst into flames and my life won’t fall into catastrophe. Hinduism, which denies that Messiah is the Son Of Elohim, uses the hexagram. No true Christian should use it in any manner or fashion, as it is tied to Satan and to the Antichrist beast. 6 Point Star “Hexagram”: 6 attributes of God Wisdom, Power, Majesty, Love, Mercy, and Justice. As a former Jehovah’s witness which I am no longer associated with the organization I can absolutely assure you Jehovah’s witnesses do not use the Star of David nor do they believe that the Jews hold any significance. (The History And Practice Of Magic, Vol. I have a low paying job what is a good Christian company to work for? To understand the mark of the beast, you need to know who the beast is first. If you wonder about something like that star look for the truth of it and you will find it. This one was not shown. Client wanted balance between geometric shape and organic shape. The unicursal hexagram, however, more strongly emphases the intertwining and ultimate unity of the two halves, rather than two separate halves coming together. Revelation 13:15 says, “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”. It is no mystery that in all the occults, the hex plays a central role in Satan worship and upon and within these covens, human sacrifices are offered to Satan. Satanists, Luciferians, astrologers and witches use it to invoke the power of demons. Go look up the star of Replan, you will find that is the star of David. I pray that you grant the visitors of this website eye salve, to see the truth, that they would repent and be your witnesses! They say it symbolizes God reaching down to man and man reaching up to God, the union of Heaven and earth. The Jesuit-controlled ultra-wealthy Rothchild family uses it to steal the worlds wealth. Infiltration is their vehicle; misinformation, confusion, and destruction their method; total world domination their end game. Our studies prove that the 70th week of Daniel was already fulfilled by Jesus, so the foundation for the Jesuit deception about an end-time 7-year tribulation is invalid. His name RATZinger is very much like Ratz lines. They brought sacrifices to it and held a celebration in honor of what their hands had made. Their current leader? A self-intersecting regular pentagon (or star pentagon) is called a pentagram. The sum of the six columns, either horizontally or vertically, is 666. They're really the same thing. The Jews have a long history of conversions to other religions while remaining faithful to Judaism. Stars. Select basic ads. 12/21 – A human sacrifice is required on the winter solstice, which is called Yule. Satanists, Occultist and Freemasons venerate King Solomon, who owned a magic ring that was engraved with the Seal of Solomon, which gave him power over the invisible monarchy of demons. The hexagram has been used in many cultures throughout history. Create a personalised ads profile. She also likes north star so the shape in the center should represent it. A six-pointed star formed by extending the sides of a regular hexagon, or by placing one equilateral triangle over another so that corresponding sides intersect. Solomon is primarily revered by the occult societies because he led the nation of Israel away from the worship of the true God into the worship of pagan gods. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX. And now they will dictate who lives and dies with ObamaCare. The six-pointed “Blazing Star” points to the true deity they worship, Lucifer. The “Rothschild Hexagram” was put on the Zionist flag, which 51 years later ended up on the flag of Israel. Buddhism, which denies that Messiah is the Son Of Elohim, uses the hexagram. It clearly forms a hexagram, and it has the wafer, the supposed body of Christ, right in the middle of the Satanic symbol. When anyone takes the time to research Bergolio and his association with Peron, tge Argentina Dirty War, abd Pinochet calling Francis out before he died. When you refuse to ‘worship the image of the beast‘, you will be killed by the beast, or will be prevented from buying and selling. It is often depicted in an interlaced form with the lines of the hexagram passing over and under one another to form a knot. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and its interior forms a six-sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan’s antichrist beast. The unicursal hexagram is a hexagram or six-pointed star that can be traced or drawn unicursally, in one continuous line rather than by two overlaid triangles. of Treasury. Most people aren’t going to worship Satan directly, so he uses other ‘gods’ and ‘idols’, to accept worship indirectly. The mark will identify which people belong to the beast, as it will clearly show that they are subject to its authority. The most common depiction of the hexagram is the Star of David, also known as the Magen David. In the 17th-century, Robert Fludd produced an illustration of the world. Our Creator made many six-sided objects. King Solomon reintroduced the 6-Pointed Star to the Kingdom of Israel, so the Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon. Thus, in the Star of David internal and external perfection (shlemut) are balanced on the internal hexagon. If you were playing a game of catch with a friend what would you rather they throw at you—a sharp object or a soft object? Note: the Oklahoma City bombing and the Waco Branch Davidian siege occurred on this date. And the reason why you see the hexagram everywhere is because when they murdered Christ to there pagan deity yahweh= iam chaos, took the kingdom and went after the german first because there the real yudah the jews where the J comes from replaced our I at the beginning of a name with the J, the jew is judean=idumean, cains children, there land is called canaan is it not? The end times False Messiah may be a reincarnation of Solomon. The Six-Pointed Star in Magic. The hexagram or Seal of Solomon is the base of the star of David, and it is an ancient symbol that has been used over the centuries by the Jewish people, but also by Arab magicians, Kabbalists, Druids, and even Satanists. Note that these numbers (19 / 37) form a Hexagon / Star pair just like 37 / 73 - the basis of Creation. And I feel quite sane, thanks! “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Rev. As you go about your life, notice how many times the Hexagram shows up on TV, print, etc. Here’s some things betcha dont want to know. The Six-Pointed Star is engraved on the Talisman of Saturn which is used in ritual magic. It’s the most powerful symbol used to invoke witchcraft, demons and Satan. CLICK ON Bible Prophecy Fulfillment Books, The 70th week of Daniel 9 is very important because it validates the Bible, it proves Messiah’s deity, and because knowing the fulfillment helps us understand Messiah’s apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelation. I mean the article talked about the 6 points having astrological origins and being references to moloch and other ancient fictitious gods. Prior to Bergolio, Ratzinger was raised as a Hitler Youth. Judah will come the morning star. Here you can see the Satanic Hexagram prominently placed on the Pope’s mitre. The unicursal hexagram is commonly depicted with a five-petaled flower in the center. God showed me this in the scriptures. There’s no Scriptures which associate a hexagram with David or Messiah. The beast of Revelation, the Roman Catholic Church, uses the hexagram. The Rothchild family is ultra-wealthy because their banking schemes have stolen the wealth of the nations, including the U.S. via the Federal Reserve Bank. This is a legitimate question, so please don’t think I’m arguing or making a case for evil. This is also the symbol that multiple European communities have historically forced Jews to wear as identification, most notably by Nazi Germany in the 20th-century. Christians have been deceived regarding the Satanic power behind the hexagram. Could you be more clear and reference on the Scriptures? to God, doubles the inner perfection. Did the Jesuits produce and publish the Protocols of Zion–where is the Jesuit headquarters–what is the Jesuit end-game–and who is their current leader. I pray this in the name of your Son, our Messiah. Hexagon star logo. Vatican INVESTED in ww2 with the Monarchs, OLIGARCHS, and American Aristocrats. Create a personalised content profile. It has six points which form a hexagram. And I looked it up in Hinduism and Buddhism and Islam and Mormonism I’m sure Jehovah’s Witnesses as well Revere that star. Don’t misunderstand this article. All six points focus on self-glorification through the tree of knowledge.Look closely and you will see three 6’s in the logo, where the inner circle spins off three times. Now think about where the mark of the beast will be placed! JFKs assassination, was more like another part of ritual. Yes the catholic church has been infiltrated by the synagogue of satan, the khazarian mafia, the rothschild zionists, whatever. This motif is comprised of 3 nautical 5 point stars that are layered and rotated to reveal all points of all stars it … The star in this symbol is used to represent the four classical elements of earth, air, water, … This intertwining of worlds can also be seen as a representation of the Hermetic principle "As above, so below." Our Creator used the six-sided design to point to His name in the Wilderness Tabernacle, and in things like the lily in all it’s spender. A magical diagram of two equilateral triangles, one laid over the other so that their sides may be parallel, making six outward and six inward angles. Based on those associations, you shouldn’t support anything using the symbol. The Chi-Rho was the Mark of the Roman Empire. There are several different versions of the Seal of Solomon, but in its most basic form it consists of two interlocking equilateral triangles, forming a six-pointed star. Because of these multiple associations, some Jews, particularly some Orthodox Jews, do not use the Star of David as a symbol of faith. It’s obvious the devil is trying to Break me. Beyer, Catherine. CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY. This statue of Peter at the Vatican features the supposed keys to the church and a disguised hexagram. It was also used by the Druids during the highest Sabbath of occultists and witches, now called “Halloween.” The hexagram is also found in Arabian magic and witchcraft through the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, the hexagram was often referred to as the Seal of Solomon, referencing a Biblical king of Israel and son of King David. They are at war with Christianity, with the Truth… and basically anyone who isn’t in their tribe. 12:11. Also learn the facts to easily understand math glossary with fun math worksheet online at SplashLearn. Read The 70th Week Of Daniel is Fulfilled by Jesus Christ NOT the Antichrist, The house of Israel and the house of Judah were already regathered before Jesus ministry, so there is no need for an end-times regathering of the Jews in Israel. They also made BILLIONS off the free slave labor. Now that you know that the six-sided star is not really the Star of David, and you know that it is a Satanic symbol, how could it possibly represent a country of people that is referred to as God’s chosen people? Whether true or not, it is not useful to say that the Jesuits are the top of the tyranny pyramid. According to former Satanist Bill Schnoebelen, who is now a Christian, “a hexagram must be present to call forth a demon” and “it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan.”. The Jesuit-controlled Zionists use it to promote the state of Israel. To read a Bible study on the beasts of Daniel and Revelation that reveals the antichrist beast system, click on The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation, To read a Bible study of how the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church is already seated in the temple and proclaiming to be God, click on Antichrist In The Temple Deception. He even tempted Jesus to bow down and worship him. The hexagram is associated with the Biblical Solomon, best known as the Star of David in the Jewish religion. Their product gives the Number 703 (= and the earth) from the Creation Holograph. Satan hides the true meaning of his symbols behind counterfeit explanations. ”(Rev. Here is a hexagram with the Chi-Rho symbol in the middle. As you will see below, the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church reveres the symbol, and every entity that they control uses it too. Select personalised content. Often, the seal is described as a hexagram, but some sources describe it as a pentagram. They are the people who Messiah says is of the Synagogue of Satan, who say that they’re Jews, but are not. Benzene can also be drawn as a hexagon with a circle in it. I pray God intervenes on this before anything else. The hexagram represents sun worship, which is Satan worship. Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Each arrangement is referred to as a Hexagram. It disgusts me.. Also I have a question what would a guy like me who has definitely been persecuted and I can tell by the obvious misfortune that I’ve encountered the last few years since I graduated high school. That is why there is a HEXagram on the Israeli flag, because Lord Rothschild, who owns and controls Zionist Israel, serves Satan. Even though logos don’t necessarily come flying at you through the air, they can still elicit a similar response. This simple, five-pointed star has a rich and varied history. They then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory of Germany et al. A hexagon surrounded by half-hexagons is the centerpiece of this mug rug. A unicursal hexagram is possible. This is a variation created by Aleister Crowley and is most strongly associated with the religion of Thelema. The six-pointed star represents Satan, not the Star of David. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and its interior forms a six-sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan’s antichrist beast. Helena Blavatsky wrote that “Lucifer is the true God“, and she incorporated the hexagram in the emblem of the Theosophical Society, which she founded in 1875. In the 19th-century, the Zionist movement adopted the symbol. The Rothchild’s funded the Zionist movement to create the state of Israel. This author shows you how to piece a single hexagon from two different fabrics. In the 17th century, the family changed their last name from Bauer to Rothchild, which means ‘red-shield‘, as family patriarch Mayer Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their house to identify it. Please use the comment box on the bottom of the page, to let us know what topics you would like us to cover. But Satan has perverted this symbol to use in his false religions. The Number 37 is also the first number greater than unity that can be represented as both a Centered Hexagon and a Star: Such numbers are extremely rare. The symbol is linked with sun worship and the sun god which again links back to the Mystery Religions. At the lower levels, Freemasons are not made aware of the Satanic secret society. Beyer, Catherine. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations. The earth beast of Revelation describes a leader (he) who rose to power out of the earth, the land, of the previous leader (the antichrist Pope); out of the Vatican. The Jesuits are Jews. Well the Old Testament constantly refers to these gods being fictions, mere statues or objects with no power to do anything, and that’s pretty much the source of all evil. M.A., History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Due to this, the use of the hexagram in Christian occult thought is fairly common. The hexagram is a unique shape in geometry. This is very significant, because Solomon was a man of wisdom, who was allowed to build the temple of God; yet late in his life Satan caused him to worship and build altars to false gods, and use the hexagram to invoke the powers of Satan. I’ll admit I made it to some mistakes but I never stole I never sexually harassed, and I’ve never killed anyone why cant I find work easier, I need a job to live.. Anyones help please! They have hundreds of trillions of dollars, and they control the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the International Bank of Settlements in Switzerland, and the central banks of nearly every county in the world. Lies and delusions persuade people to do all kinds of crazy stuff like throwing your baby into a fire pit to worship a statue made of materials like wood or iron representing a god that doesn’t exist. And Jesus told us in Revelation that 666 represents the Antichrist beast. Beyer, Catherine. The Rothschild’s are Satanists who used this powerful magic symbol in their coat-of-arms. The two components symbolize man’s position between earth and sky. Taking the mark of the beast is a result of worshiping the beast. You can create a six-pointed shape without lifting the pen and, as we'll see, this has been adopted by some occult practitioners. His satanic motto was “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”. The points of both objects are the same: both geometries display the same meaning different ways. But, no, they dont win. I know from this article one thing is certain for sure no doubt is that the star so-called Star of David is satanic the Bible mentions it I will not support anything that has that star. Whether the Jesuits are crypto-jews or not is of no relevance. The question of existential meaning (what’s the meaning of life, what’s the point of everything?) 97% of the people who call themselves Jews, are not the descendents of Abraham, which is just another fraud that has been hoisted on the world by the Jesuits. To summarize, the six-pointed star is the supreme symbol of Satanic tyranny, which has been used by people throughout history to directly or indirectly worship Satan. The morning star is Venus which can be seen in the early morning. Read your bible and God will show everyone who seeks him the truth. The Satanic hexagram could not represent the true church. The hexagram also came to have Kabbalistic and occult meaning.
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